It’s the first thing you hear when you get into college — get an internship as soon as possible. College counselors sound like broken records, and I know no one needs a reminder of something they already know, but it’s true. Get an internship as soon as possible, and if you have time, experience more than one.College internships are becoming more necessary than a college degree. For example, like most of you, I know many of LSU’s 2010 graduating class. I have a friend who graduated with a degree in business administration after completing four different internships while in college. The day before graduation, she had a full-time job.A survey conducted by concluded that 86 percent of college students were participating in internships during their college careers. These facts are becoming so well-known that some high schools are beginning to require juniors and seniors to complete an internship before they can graduate.Because of this growing trend, employers are expecting real-world experience from us. As our generation begins to graduate from college and populate the business world, our technologically savvy reputation is preceding us.Internships are now the launching pad for any budding career. It is competition, networking and experience all rolled into one. And if you’re lucky, all this while being paid. But unfortunately, just because it’s a job doesn’t mean that it comes with a paycheck. Because of the economy, many companies are cutting costs and decreasing, if not eliminating all together, payment for internships. Because they are so high in demand, companies can cut costs without the risk of losing their interns. Internships can also lead to full-time positions within companies, as many would rather hire previous interns than train completely fresh people.Landing an internship is just as difficult as landing a real job. Most businesses require resumes and interviews for applicants, which helps prepare college students for the same process when applying for a real job. Sometimes the competition for an internship is even greater than for a full-time position.
Companies often have a limited amounts of internships, and students often need them at certain times in order to receive credit prior to graduating. All these obstacles help students prepare for the real world even before the internship starts.Once you have an internship, meet as many people as possible. Get emails, phone numbers and become Facebook friends — after making your Facebook business appropriate, of course. You never know who can help you with your next career move. In today’s world, it’s all about the people you know, and if you know enough people, you’re bound to have at least a few useful friends.
Write down everything. It sounds stupid and unnecessary, but it will save tons of time later and maybe even help someone else out, too. Plus it will help you recall the task the next time you do it. You have this experience, but you have to make it worthwhile. Learn everything you can. Ask important questions. Even ask stupid questions.The entire internship experience is great for your future. Teachers can only prepare you so much through tests, papers and projects. Real jobs consist of budgets, deadlines and endless questions, and unfortunately, not the kind that can be answered by Wikipedia.After experiencing an internship, you can learn what is expected from you and your coming career. Best case scenario, you love it. Worst case scenario, you hate it and have to start over. But hey, at least you have something under your belt and you don’t have to continue a career you hate.–Contact Britany Davis at [email protected]
L’il Bits: Internships are as important as college degrees
July 14, 2010