Chancellor Michael Martin received the “Men Who Champion Women” award at the Louisiana Women’s Conference on Friday.
The award is given to individuals who have taken a leadership role to ensure women are included at all levels of their organization, according to a news release from University Relations.
Martin has made it one of his missions as chancellor to see that inclusion occurs throughout the University by assuring women are involved at all levels of the decision-making process, the news release said.
“Chancellor Michael Martin is very deserving of this honor given by the National Diversity Council,” Katrice Albert, vice provost for Equity, Diversity and Community Outreach, said in the release. “I am proud to know that he realizes that in order for LSU to maintain its national prominence, we must create a campus climate that is a magnet for top talent, where cultural inclusion is the rule and where women are full participants in the decision-making process.”
The University has made a point to create equal opportunities for women in the past.
Former Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor Astrid Merget established the University Council on Women to advise about concerns affecting women at the University.
“Since his arrival on campus, I have worked closely with him on a multitude of issues through Staff Senate, numerous committees, work groups and individual situations,” former Staff Senate president Patricia Beste said in the release. “As a man and as a chancellor, he is empowering and inspiring.”
Contact Catherine Threlkeld at [email protected]
Chancellor honored for supporting women
September 19, 2010