STEPHEN BUCKNER, Reveille Radio News Reporter:
During this economic crisis and the rise in gasoline prices, there has been an ongoing demand for on-campus housing at major universities.
Students are attempting to save money by spending less on their commute and rent off campus by applying for various dormitories and other housing facilities offered by their respective colleges.
With on-campus housing requests at an all-time high, LSU’s had to put an extensive number of students on a standby list.
The Residential Life website does stress that student housing is given on a first-come, first-served basis.
To learn what the University has planned to solve the student housing dilemma, I spoke with Jay High, who is the communications manager of residential life, to gain some insight on the matter.
High said the waiting list for housing has dwindled to 377 students after reaching a total in excess of 1,000 earlier this summer. High said Residential Life has provided students on the standby with a list of nearby apartments that cater to students and are a part of the Tiger Trails bus route.
As of right now what is the projected date for reopening the Kirby Smith Facility in order to
house additional students?
JAY HIGH (LSU Communications Manager, Residential Life): If everything goes as scheduled we will open it for fall 2011, and it will open 366 beds.
BUCKNER: High said Kirby Smith will receive more than a simple ” fix-me-up” but rather an entire interior makeover worth approximately $1.7 million to better accommodate students.
HIGH: What we’re gonna do is take out all built in furniture. We’re gonna replace it with the moveable furniture, the same type of furniture that we put in our renovations in our new buildings.
We’re gonna leave the wardrobes that are there. We’re gonna do an extensive deep cleaning, a commercial-grade deep cleaning of the restrooms, so they’re gonna look a whole lot better.
We’re also going to put in carpet squares and so it’s basically gonna be a suite-bath for four students, two students on either side the suite-bath configuration, two sinks, one shower and one commode with new ceiling tiles, new paint.
BUCKNER: The University is also making a strong, concerted effort to expand their housing options as part of a 20-year program.
When asked what new projects are in the works for upcoming semesters, High said that there will several promising new facilities being planned at several locations on campus.
HIGH: We are breaking ground on another residential college. We’re calling it Residential College North. And it will be a mixture of living and learning communities and also for traditional students and that will be in the same area as Res. College South and Res. College West. And that will be about 360 beds and we’re breaking ground on that just in the next month or so and that will be finished for Fall 2012.
We’re also have another new residential hall, Residential Hall West, and that will be about 500 beds and that’s over there somewhere near the Natatorium. We’re still working out the details on that and getting all of our approvals for that.
And then the Annie Boyd renovation that will start as soon as we’re done with East Laville, that will be about 145 beds.
BUCKNER: This has been Stephen Buckner, Reveille Radio News.
Kirby-Smith Hall will house students next fall
August 31, 2010
Kirby-Smith Hall