Spectrum upset over glory hole story
We are highly disappointed, though not surprised, at the Reveille’s publication of the Sept. 1 article entitled “Anonymous hook-up hot spots still active on campus” — or, as the above-the-fold photo in the print edition irreverently proclaimed it, “Hole Lotta Love.” Our lack of surprise stems from the fact that the Reveille frequently sees fit to publish similarly sensationalist pieces.
The lazy reporting, lack of critical thought and willingness to reinforce negative stereotypes shown in this piece by reporter Parker Cramer and the editorial staff are baffling. We expect more.
Rather than engage the issue at hand in any meaningful way, the article chooses the path of titillation and sleaze, stoking up fears of sexual predators in campus bathrooms, making gay men out to be uncontrollable sex-crazed maniacs. This story and others of its kind contribute to the general perception of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer/questioning (LGBTQ) people as sexual deviants unfit to live in polite society.
We are not commenting on or promoting consenting adults engaging in sexual activities in public. We are questioning if this is front-page news. We are questioning the ethics and journalistic integrity of printing such a story.
As the leadership of Spectrum, the LSU student organization that empowers and supports the LGBTQ community and its allies, we call on the Reveille to resist the urge to promote stereotypes and hate.
We have an active and socially responsible LGBTQ community at LSU and we would love to see front-page coverage of the many events and activities that are taking place in that community. We hope that in the future, the Reveille will engage in thoughtful reporting on these events rather than resorting to quick and cheap stereotyping. Allies are always welcome at our events. We would love to see you there.
Officers of Spectrum
Contact The Daily Reveille’s opinion staff at [email protected].
Letter to the Editor: 9/8
September 7, 2010