There are certain things every girl experiences as she grows up: awkward high school dances, bad first dates and first heartbreak, just to name a few. But along with those expected girl experiences, is something I like to call “The Stages of Cosmopolitan.”Cosmopolitan is the most popular female magazine in the 18 to 24 demographic, selling approximately 2.9 million copies each month. Along with sister magazines, like Cosmo Girl for the younger demographic, Cosmopolitan is printed in 60 different international editions and websites alike, according to its main website. Needless to say, Cosmopolitan is one of the most influential female brands in the world, which leads me to “The Stages of Cosmopolitan.”Stage One: Worship. Everyone knows about the pressures of high school and the need to fit in, especially young girls. Cosmopolitan is the unofficial guide book by which every teen girl lives. With articles like “How to Win a Guy Over in 10 Seconds” and “Do You Really Know How to Kiss?,” it’s easy to see how a young, impressionable girl would want to memorize everything in the magazine.I remember poring over the newest edition of Cosmopolitan with my friends in high school, but the funny thing is I don’t remember what the articles were about. I remember laughing and asking questions and sharing stories with my best friends. And, most importantly, I remember feeling like I belonged, because in a twisted way, Cosmopolitan gives girls the chance to fit in. It provides girls an excuse to talk about things that every girl is feeling, but everyone is scared to bring up at the same time.Stage Two: Transition. During the move from high school to college, it seems like everything changes. You’re living on your own, meeting new people, trying new things and making sure you don’t relive the naïve mistakes you made in high school. I’m not sure with guys, but for girls, this stage in life is very “I’m Not a Girl, Not Yet a Woman”, for lack of a better, non-Britney Spears title.
College independence provides a false feeling of maturity, and that’s where Cosmopolitan comes in. Cosmo uses this fake maturity against its readership.
Girls who learned how to kiss from Cosmo are now reading articles like “77 Sex Positions in 77 Days” and “The Trick to Hotter Sex.” It sets these crazy standards about life, sex and beauty for young women who are going through a big life change.
Without a stable environment, it’s easy for some young women to be influenced by the sensationalized images and articles provided in Cosmopolitan.
Stage Three: Scam. I remember the day I graduated from stage two to stage three, and I’ll never look at a Cosmopolitan magazine the same way again. That was the day I realized the whole magazine was a bundle of product placements. Do you know what the five must-have items for summer are or the newest celebrity make-up trends? I’ll tell you what they are, big paychecks for the magazines. The coolest clothes and makeup aren’t what the celebrities are using or wearing, it’s just another way to present an advertisement. You can’t fool me anymore, Cosmo.
Going through “The Stages of Cosmopolitan” is synonymous with growing up for girls. You start off naïve and immature and then think you know it all, when you don’t. But, finally, you come to understand the bigger picture. It’s a rite of passage.Most girls do not live and breathe by Cosmopolitan magazine, but there is always the exception to the rule. After all, there is a reason the magazine has been a success since 1886, and it’s not the five-question Cosmo quizzes.
Contact Brittany Davis at [email protected]
L’il Bits: Worship, transition, scam of Cosmopolitian magazine
June 30, 2010