One LSU alumna and New Orleans resident has more than 15,000 people Following Sunshine.
Savannah Brown graduated only two years ago and has already traveled all around the world, has thousands of followers on Instagram and has started the successful blog “Following Sunshine.”
Brown took her middle name, Sunshine, and created the name of her blog. The young blogger is using her name and making it known.
The blogger recently began including content of her adventures traveling to add to the variety of her posts on her blog and Instagram account. Brown has made sure to take full advantage of everything traveling has to offer.
“I think traveling and blogging just go hand in hand,” Brown said, “I have always loved to travel and so now with my blog every trip I go on just makes my content that much better. Although, New Orleans has so many great backdrops, being able to travel is a huge advantage for a blogger.”
Looking back on her college days, Brown found that her style is still similar to what it was before because she’s always tried to be unique and has always been interested in fashion. Like many current students, she’d get a little dressed up for game days but kept it comfy for going to class.
Her fashion sense isn’t the only thing she learned and developed here at the University.
“I think LSU taught me a lot about how to be successful,” Brown said. “All of the challenging classes I took just helped me better prepare for my future. I majored in communications and I’m now doing marketing. LSU is an amazing school and community of people. Most of my teachers and the people I met helped shape the person I am today.”
With blogging becoming a more popular profession, many people are always looking for tips on how to use their passion to create successful content people enjoy. When it comes to her followers, Brown wants to be as connected as possible.
She also recommends learning what they seem to like the most to know what content to post. The relationship she builds with her audience is important to help fuel her success, so she wants it to be as strong as possible.
For example, the blogger will take polls or ask questions to keep up with her followers and make sure she’s giving them what they want.
“The best tip I have for social media and blogging is to be consistent and to know your readers,” Brown said. “If you don’t get to know your readers, then it’s harder to form relationships and to get a feel for what they are interested in seeing.”
Many bloggers come up with a schedule to post at a certain time of day or find out when their followers are mostly active, but Brown likes to keep it natural. She shared that some days she might check her Instagram insights, but for the most part, she just posts content when she can and hopes her followers will like what she has to share.
Brown also works with multiple companies, which comes with sponsored posts. Sponsored posts are critical for influencers to help grow their business and following. Even though she has no control over what day and time she posts the sponsored content, she still works hard to post things her followers will enjoy.
“I try to post on my Instagram at least once a day,” Brown said. “I also try to write a few blog posts a month. On top of posting on my IG, I am constantly posting IG stories showing new gifts I received and showing my favorites trends. I think just by being active I can please my followers.”
The perfect photo doesn’t always come fast. Brown shared that she probably takes 50-100 images per shoot to get her shots for her Instagram and blog.
Possibly the most popular question a blogger gets asked is how to take the best photos. Most people believe you need to have a fancy camera and a professional photographer to get good pictures, but Brown shares that it’s all about getting creative.
Her first photo shoot for her blog was taken by her aunt, and the rest of her photos have been taken by her boyfriend, her mom and her friends.
“I find I get the best pictures when I like my outfit, there’s good lighting and I have some sort of prop,” Brown said. “When I don’t have a prop, I can sometimes get awkward. It helps to constantly be moving so that hopefully you can capture the perfect photo.”
Blogging may be popular today, but it’s not always as easy as people assume. It requires you to always put yourself out there and have the confidence to show who you are daily.
“The confidence part is still a continuing growing process for me,” Brown said. “I’m not a very confident person, but I feel like when I post a picture, I am kind of hiding behind the picture.”
Regardless of how she looks to others, Brown is going to do what she loves and have fun doing it.
“I will do the craziest poses in front of people, and it doesn’t phase me because I’m doing what I love and if that’s what it takes to get the perfect picture, then that’s what I have to do,” Brown said.
It’s important for Brown to remain true to herself and showcase her own personal style. Even if others don’t like her style, she’s not going to change it for anyone.
As time has passed, she’s learned to accept herself and continue to appreciate what’s unique about herself.
“There are so many bloggers out there that if you conform to a certain style or personality type, you will blend in when the whole point is to stand out,” Brown said. “ My favorite thing about blogging is creating content and I will always stay true to that.”
When it comes to the future of her blog and social media, Brown has big plans.
She hopes to work with bigger brands while growing her own brand in the process. She also wants to branch out into the blogging world outside of New Orleans, but she won’t stop there.
Brown wants to continue to pursue her passion through many different outlets.
“I would love to eventually have my own clothing line, but that is in the far future,” Brown said. “I would also like to have my own podcast so hopefully that works out. All in all, I really just want to grow and spread my love for fashion and travel to more people and inspire as many people as I can.”
LSU alumna finds success with fashion blog after graduation
March 18, 2019
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