The Reveille is a 132-year-old, award-winning student newspaper. It is printed weekly with online daily content and is independently run by students.
The Reveille’s hiring nights are Wednesday, April 24 in the basement of Hodges Hall and Thursday, April 25 in the Holliday Forum at 6:30 p.m.
No experience required. All majors are encouraged to apply for paid positions available in:
- News—Responsible for writing articles about a variety of topics related to the LSU community. There will be opportunities for in-depth investigative work for those who are ready to dig deep.
- Sports—Opportunities to cover all LSU sports; Strengthen your writing skills and your sports knowledge by covering a wide variety of sports, not just major ones like football and basketball.
- Entertainment—responsible for writing articles about fun and interesting people or places in the LSU community.
- Opinion—Responsible for writing columns about a broad range of topics from politics to campus issues.
- Production—Oversees copy editing and the design of the physical paper.
- Photography—Covers photo content for all sections and create a two page photo story spread each week.
- Digital—manage social media, help the news staff with breaking news coverage, monitor digital traffic and help package stories for online audience.