Tiger Stadium’s new student entry system is ineffective and must be changed or abandoned.
The University recently changed the procedure for football tickets and game entry from swiping an LSU ID to scanning a barcode off a phone. Although the new system seems like a switch to the modern age it has proven to be more of a nuisance than a convenience.
The new system slows down students as they struggle to find internet service or retrieve a downloaded ticket. If you forgot to download your ticket and you don’t have service, then you are expected to leave and find a connection. The LSU ID system required something most University students carry at all times without relying on service to scan in. The wait time for entrance into the stadium has drastically increased since the switch.
This system also opens the door for more abuse by non-University students. An individual only needs a screenshot of a ticket to scan in.
There is no identification required to ensure the ticket is being used by the rightful owner. By removing the LSU ID from the process an essential security step is removed with it.
The new system is not only slow and ineffective, but it is also classist. By requiring the use of a smart phone, the new system places low-income students in an incredibly disadvantaged position. The LSU sports website for student tickets does not even list an alternative for students without a smartphone. All tickets were delivered by email and downloaded to Apple and Google wallets. For students who do not have access to a smart phone the University does not list a second option.
Considering football is the front porch of a university it is ridiculous that the University is making its students wait in the yard. Students are the heartbeat of the game day experience and should have an expedited process for entry.
I am sure the University had the best of intentions when switching to the new student ticket entry system. The reality of the policy has come into sight and I believe the University should act to correct this errant policy. A streamlining of the entry system would be a solution. Multiple gates for student entry during peak times would be a great way to alleviate the congestion of game time rush.
I am calling for the University to alter the current student ticket entry system. With the continued success of LSU Football and Heisman hopeful Joe Burrow, the demand to watch the Tigers is up now more than ever. Top ranked opponents in the coming weeks will lead to packed stadiums and the University should look out for its students who want to get in and watch.
Cory Koch is a 20-year-old political science junior from Alexandria, Louisiana.
Opinion: LSU downloadable student ticket system slow and ineffective
By Cory Koch
November 2, 2019
LSU Tiger Stadium lights up the field on Monday, Sept. 23, 2019, at Louisiana State University.