Zoe Geauthreaux
A student enters the Center for Assessment and Evaluation on Wednesday, October 14, 2015, in Himes Hall.
Himes Testing Center began turning away students who had already checked in for tests or were going to take previously scheduled tests due to Internet issues on Monday.
According to the Himes Testing Center, they have informed students of the issues and have two IT people working on getting the computers back online.
Students who were scheduled to take their tests during the period the computers are down will be allowed to come back later today to take their tests. If a student is unable to come back at another point today, they should contact the Himes Testing Center to arrange another testing time.
“They told us that the computers were down and that nobody’s tests were loading,” sociology freshman Sydni Lewis, who was there to take a math 1029 test, said. “They said we could come back in 30 minutes or whenever we had time.”
Students were told to remain around Himes or Middleton Library before coming back to take their tests. A proctor told students they could check Twitter or Facebook for updates.
This story will be updated as more information becomes available.