LSU presents “Your Worst Nightmare” directed by Tracy Stephenson Shaffer. This black box production is a realistically morbid show that delves into literary, cinematic, and everyday life horror. It defines horror through personal fears and nightmares.
The show is devised by and starring Kalli Champagne, Natalie Garcia, Ethan Hunter, Charles Jones, Misty Saribal, Kyra Smith, Jonathan Verret and Courtney Waters. Because the cast members devised the nightmares themselves, the result is a raw and ominous production that surfaces your own darkest fears. The structure of the show is formed around the title and general ideas. So, with no set script, it allows the actors to have as much creative freedom and range to develop their story.
“I can’t imagine working with a better cast,” Shaffer said. “Working with this group has been incredible, they are all completely committed to the performance and to each other.”
“Your Worst Nightmare” is exactly the kind of content you need to spark up your Halloween. The acting and ambiance places you directly inside of a scary movie. It’s as four dimensional as a horror show can get. The expertise in directing and devising combine elements of suspense, fear and humor for a Halloween show like nothing you’ve seen before. While defining the terrors of each nightmare, it also incorporates widely recognized excerpts from Edgar Allen Poe, the Exorcist and American Psycho.
The production is just over an hour long and free to RSVP. Showing times will be Thursday, October 31 through Saturday, Nov 2 at 7:30 P.M. and Sunday, Nov 3 at 2:30 P.M. Visit to reserve up to six tickets for the event. Don’t miss out on the show of the Halloween season.