LSU will close campus Saturday and Sunday as the Baton Rouge area faces flooding from potential Hurricane Barry. The University will also close Friday, LSU spokesman Ernie Ballard said Wednesday.
Heavy rains are expected with 10-15 inches possible close to the coast through early next week and 20 inches possible in isolated areas of eastern Louisiana and southern Mississippi, according to forecasters.
The high Mississippi River water levels combined with the expected heavy, consistent rainfall has the potential to create standing water on the west side of campus.
Ballard said students remaining on campus should also consider where their cars are parked. Some parking lots are in low-lying areas and have a history of flooding, so students may want to consider moving their car to a higher-level area.
LSU Residential Life encouraged that West Campus Apartments, Cypress Hall, Spruce Hall, Edward Gay Apartments, Kirby Smith Hall, North Hall, Pentagon Halls and Broussard Hall residents move vehicles to higher areas.
Res Life also said that Nicholson Gateway Apartments residents are encouraged to utilize the second floor and above in the Nicholson Gateway parking garage. The surface parking spaces along the fence line are the most vulnerable to standing water.
The storm is an ongoing situation. Updates can be found online at
LSU to close Saturday, Sunday as campus area prepares for flooding
July 11, 2019
Lightning flashes over the University Lake on Wedsnday, Sept. 19, 2018.