Lines to the LSU Testing Center stretched across the LSU’s main quad Thursday afternoon as dozens of University students attempted to take exams in Himes Hall.
The LSU Testing Center offers computer-based exams for students in University courses. Mass communication, ISDS, accounting and foreign language courses all offered exams on Thursday in Himes Hall, leading to the longer lines, according to some students.
“There are people working at the front desk, working the cameras and everything,” construction management freshman Simante Sims said. “It’s just really busy right now. It was just packed down there.”
Other students said they’ve never seen the line into Himes Hall this long before.
“This right now is probably the worst I’ve ever seen it,” said criminology freshman Tyler Machen.
A testing facility staff member addressed the line at around 12:45 p.m. and guaranteed the everybody in line will be available to take their scheduled test. Students taken test originally scheduled for 12:30 p.m. were moved to the front of the line.
“I’ve been here only five minutes and I’ve only moved up a little,” physics junior Logan Buras said. “It’s kind of crazy.”
*This story will be updated as more information becomes available.
Line to Himes Hall testing center stretches across Quad Thursday afternoon
September 19, 2019
Students wait in line at the LSU Testing Center at Himes Hall on Sept. 19.