Gilgamesh Homan, an LSU student who fell off his skateboard and suffered a head injury, died at 8:10 p.m. Tuesday night after being taken off of life support.
Homan had remained on life support since the accident so his organs could be donated and used to help others in need, according to his father, Michael Homan, on Facebook.
LSU student Gilgamesh ”Gil” Homan was on life support after a skateboarding accident on Sunday. According to, Homan fractured the back of his skull after falling off his skateboard. He was rushed to an LSU infirmary and later transported to a local emergency room.
Homan’s father said the family plans to find recipients for Homan’s organs between Monday and Wednesday. He wrote on Facebook the family plans to “say goodbye to him” on Wednesday, according to
A University spokesperson confirmed that Homan was a student, and stated the University is in contact with the family and offering support at this time.
This story will be updated as more information becomes available.
LSU student dies after being taken off life support Tuesday evening after skateboarding accident Sunday
September 18, 2019