If you are anything like me, it is around this time in the semester that you start to get worn out and complacent with school.
Somehow, I’ve been procrastinating doing my schoolwork even more than usual lately. With all of my classes on Zoom right now, this seems to be even more true.
But I’ve realized that this is only happening because I am letting it. Recently I decided to try and find the positive things surrounding me in life, and when I took the time to focus on the good instead of dwelling on the bad, it showed me just how blessed I am.
I started to look back to a year ago at this time and realized how far we have come. In March of last year I was unable to go to church, I attended school from my bedroom and I connected with most of my family and friends solely over the phone.
I am aware some of these impacts are still in effect, but it seems the end is near. We now have three vaccines, and states seem to finally be opening back up. If this is not great motivation to continue moving forward, then I don’t know what is.
Aside from this, spring has officially arrived. The colorful flowers everywhere have automatically brightened my mood. We are now able to stay outside in the sun longer and enjoy some beautiful weather. If you enjoy the outdoors, there is arguably no better time than now to reap its rewards.
I’ve decided to use the start of spring as a fresh start in my life. I am trying to have the same excitement now that I did during the first months of the school year. If spring is not your thing, you can always look to things like Lent or the vaccine distribution as encouragement.
Take time to separate yourself from the things that usually consume all of your day. Instead, fill that time with things that make you happy. Whether it be cooking, exercising, reading or just hanging out with friends, the best way to get through the remainder of the semester is to motivate yourself with things you enjoy.
It is easy to get overwhelmed with everything going on in our lives, and we allow it to weigh us down. We should try to find the good in life and hope that things will get better. I think school is the perfect example of this.
School can get so stressful at times, so we often lose motivation to keep going. If we could just have one thing that keeps us going, then we could make it through the semester. My advice is to find your “thing.”
I am sure most of us are looking forward to the end of the school year, but summer will be here before we know it. Do not let the laziness set in. Rather, let’s motivate each other to finish this semester strong.
Elizabeth Crochet is a 19-year-old political communication sophomore from New Orleans.
Opinion: Let’s motivate each other to finish this semester strong
March 20, 2021
LSU students participate in various activities on Mar. 3, 2021 on the Parade Ground.