College life can be difficult, even without a global pandemic complicating it.
LSU placed many COVID-19 procedures on its students beginning in the 2020 spring semester. Some of these new changes consisted of limitations to in-person classes as well as fewer holidays and social events. LSU’s community members shared their thoughts about the effects these drawbacks have had on mental health.
“As a parent and as local psychiatrist, I would like for someone to know how horribly these kids are dealing with the restrictions placed on them by LSU,” Dr. Donna Fargason said.
Fargason said she hopes people consider the mental health deterioration resulting from few to no in-person classes and limited holidays.
“Our kids are suffering. I have never had so many college-aged kids in my practice suffering from the kinds of mental health issues I am seeing now,” Fargason said. “These kids are so depressed. They have lost so much of what they expected college to be.”
Likewise, freshman Caroline Franklin expressed her difficulty in transitioning to college during the pandemic.
“The transition to college has been very difficult,” Franklin said. “I think the procedures, while put in place to protect the physical health of students, have negatively impacted our mental health. I feel as though LSU has ignored students’ mental health concerns.”
Franklin added how the effects of the COVID-19 procedures have caused a lack of motivation and excitement for college that she once felt.
“I would like to see a push for more in-person classes, taking some power away from professors as some have abused the freedom of determining if their classes are online or in person,” she said.
The transition into college is not the only thing that has been affected. Senior Makenzie Morgan described her experience as a senior during the pandemic.
“I understand the procedures set in place and why they are there, but it has been hard,” Morgan said. “School is hard enough as it is, but when you do not get days off and do not get to see your teachers and friends, it is draining.”
Morgan added that the 2020-2021 school year was not a reflection of the true LSU lifestyle that she had experienced during her first three years at the University.
“These kids are not learning. These kids are not socializing. They are suffering. When is LSU going to care enough to do something about it?” Fargason asked.
LSU’s COVID-19 procedures impact students’ mental heath
April 23, 2021
A sign directs people toward the vaccination site on Mar. 14, 2021 at Tiger Stadium.