As we approached the final days of school last semester, I felt like a cast member in that famous scene of “High School Musical 2.” I eagerly chanted “summer, summer, summer” as the countdown to summer ticked away.
Ok, who am I kidding? I do this at the end of every school year. However, doing it at the end of last school year felt even better than usual.
It’s fair to say that due to the unusual circumstances that came with the pandemic, every student and faculty member was happy to finally have a real break once summer came around.
I understand why some people take issue with the summer season; the weather is miserable and you don’t get to see your college friends on a daily basis. Regardless, summer is the perfect opportunity to reset and do the activities you couldn’t do while school was in session.
Personally, I had the ideal summer. Well, as ideal as it could be in the COVID era.
I was able to travel to parts of the country that I had never seen before. I met new people, learned new things and got to do a lot of sight-seeing as well.
Summer also gave me the opportunity to read several books. This is something that seems so simple, but when school is in full force, I can never seem to find the time to read a book that is not mandatory for a class.
And of course, I can’t forget the endless amounts of movies and TV shows that I was able to watch over and over again. Believe me, I do this even when school is in session, but it feels better doing it in summer when I don’t have to think about all the responsibilities I’m not attending to.
I am also thankful for the extra time I got to spend with my immediate and extended family. It was fun to get closer to loved ones and learn family stories I had never heard before.
When I was little, I definitely took summer for granted. As I have gotten older, I have come to realize how precious these months of summer are. I know that after I graduate college, it is unlikely that I will ever have this much free time to do whatever I please.
I am excited to get back into the swing of school and my other college activities. However, I will miss the leisurely pace and fun experiences that came with summer.
I have to enjoy these days while they last, because once I enter the “real world,” the freedom of summer will be nothing but a fond memory.
Elizabeth Crochet is a 20-year-old political communication junior from New Orleans, Louisiana.
Opinion: Summer break allowed for healthy reset after a hectic school year
August 28, 2021
LSU students relax Tuesday, Aug. 25, 2020 in the Student Union.