LSU’s Musical Theatre Club (MTC) experienced cancelled performances during the past few semesters, but the club is getting back to work in a new way.
In March 2020 MTC was preparing for their performance showcase known as Singeaux, where they perform individual and collaborative numbers from different musical productions. Rehearsals were cut short March 13 when the University announced LSU would close due to COVID-19.
“I was bummed,” digital art sophomore Maddy Lewis said. “I joined in September, and I finally felt like I was getting to know everyone in the club.”
Before everyone had to leave campus, MTC did something special for their unexpected last rehearsal — the members rehearsed as though they were performing for an audience.
“I put so much work into my Singeaux musical numbers,” theater performance junior Nathan Catalanotto said. ”I was heartbroken when I found out it was over; it was so unexpected.”
When the fall 2020 semester started, MTC found a way to get the returning students involved and raise some money for their club. Lewis participated in “MTC’s Musical Madness.” Members performed virtually through MTC’s Instagram page through any art medium. They made it into a competition to raise money — every dollar sent through Venmo counted as a vote.
“It was a friendly competition,” Lewis said. “I did not care who won or lost because I was having a good time getting back to performing.”
People competed through either acting or singing. They sent their videos to the social media director, who then posted the videos on their Instagram page.
MTC performed “Twisted the Musical” this past fall semester. It was their first show with an audience since last spring. Members emailed video auditions and received the cast list through email. Shortly after receiving the cast list, they met via Zoom and discussed what was expected if they wanted this show to be a success.
“It was a great surprise to find out we were performing in front of an audience for Twisted,” Catalanotto said.
All members of the cast were required to wear masks, sanitize work stations, get their temperatures taken and get tested for COVID-19 as often as they could. The cast stayed spaced out during rehearsals and were only called to rehearse if it was their scene.
“I loved that we had the opportunity to rehearse in person,” theater studies junior Noah Catalanotto said. “However, I miss getting to sit next to my friends at rehearsals, and I definitely miss giving them all hugs.”
“Twisted” was performed November 5-6. MTC advertised an online form with an option of a Zoom link of a live-streamed performance or to reserve a seat to watch the show in person. It was performed in the Greek Amphitheater. Thirty people were allowed to enter the theater. The cast performed with masks and the audience was required to keep their masks on.
“Yes, it was difficult to perform with a mask on,” Noah Catalanotto said. “However, as an actor, I have learned a lot of techniques to act with my body, my eyebrows and my eyes.
“We put all of our focus into the audience to express our feelings,” Nathan Catalanotto said.
MTC is preparing and rehearsing for their spring musical “Theory of Relativity.” The performance, as of now, is not going to have an audience due to the spike of COVID-19 cases.