student planning
We are quickly approaching the second semester of the 2020-2021 school year. It seems winter break was just starting, but now it’s time to start fresh with a new semester. Even though classes begin Monday, here are five easy ways to get yourself organized so you can conquer your tasks and stay on top of assignments:
1. Write down your assignments
Last semester, I found it really easy to fall behind on my assignments because of online classes. It’s a lot easier to forget what’s due when you’re not in class hearing the due dates from the mouths of your professors. I recommend keeping a calendar close by your desk so that you can keep track of bigger assignments or events to attend throughout the semester. A calendar is good to keep track of when Zoom classes are so you don’t sleep through a virtual class session. If you want to get even more organized, I recommend keeping a planner that has sections for each day of the week. Write down your small assignments and homework tasks under each day along with the day that they are due. It’s really satisfying to cross off these little tasks in your planner, and you shouldn’t miss what’s due.
2. Keep good notes
With online classes, it can be easier to push off the task of taking notes. When professors post lecture recordings and PowerPoints, you may not feel the need to actively take notes. I recommend taking hand-written notes during your class and then take the time to type them up after class. This may seem super tedious, but your professors are right when they say it’s better to take hand-written notes. Typing those notes up after class ensures that you won’t lose your notes, but it also reinforces the material when you take the time to type it out.
3. Set up an organized workspace
Online classes mean we really don’t have to get up out of our beds to attend classes. Having an organized space to work will keep you motivated. Make sure this space is kept clean and free of distractions. No, this place shouldn’t be your bed. Having an organized and quiet workspace is best. Switch up this space and move around throughout the week; a change of scenery can be good.
4. Develop a simple routine
Working from home has made me especially lazy. This semester, I’m trying to implement an easy routine to stick to so I can have some kind of normalcy with school. Get up each morning at a normal time. Getting up at a time that’s close to your Zoom class time might make you want to snooze after the class ends. I suggest getting up a little bit earlier than your class, getting something to boost your energy, freshening up and setting yourself up in that organized workspace we talked about.
5. Take a day out of the week to reorganize
I know it’s easy to make this plan and stick to it for a few days, but don’t let yourself get behind after the first week. Take a day out of your week just for a small period of time to reorganize for the next week. Use this time to make sure your assignments are up to date, catch up on notes and review the material you learned this week. This doesn’t have to take a long time, but it should help you stay on top of things.