One of the most heated topics in politics is set to get even more fiery this June, when it stands center stage in front of the U.S. Supreme Court. That’s right: abortion is making the headlines again.
This summer, the Supreme Court is set to weigh in on an abortion law that originated here in Louisiana. The 2014 law is focused on the idea of admitting privileges. This means that any doctor who performs abortions at an outpatient clinic must have the privileges to admit a woman to a hospital within a 30-mile radius of the facility, in case of a medical emergency.
I think this law is completely constitutional. Forget the fact that I am 100% pro-life; this law is not a matter of being pro-choice or pro-life. The law is simply about the safety of the women who choose to have an abortion.
The 14th Amendment very clearly states that no person can be denied “the equal protection of the laws.” Simply put, by denying these women the care they deserve, we are not treating them as equal citizens under the law.
Currently, in the case of a medical emergency during an abortion procedure, the doctor performing the abortion must rely on their transfer privileges and hope their patient can be taken care of at the nearest hospital. This by no means should be the case.
The doctor who begins the procedure should be able to admit their patient to a hospital and continue caring for the patient, addressing the emergency themselves. Any doctor who performs surgeries in an out-patient clinic must have admitting privileges to a nearby hospital. It completely baffles me that some would not want this same protection for the health and safety of the women having these abortions.
Now I am aware that if this law is ruled constitutional, access to abortions in the state of Louisiana will become more limited, since there is currently only one doctor performing abortions in the state with admitting privileges. This brings up another point. Why don’t more current abortion providers have admitting privileges? Is it because they are not good enough physicians, or is it because they do not want to deal with additional duties outside of their abortion practice?
Many people argue that limiting abortion access does not mean people will stop having abortions, that it would just make the process more dangerous.
My counter argument to that would be abortion is never “safe.” Knowing the dangers these procedures may cause should make everyone want the very best doctors tending to the women who choose to put their bodies through this.
Look, the fight for and against abortion can be very tense, but this law provides “the simple bare necessities for life.” Women who have abortions already have to handle the pressure that comes with the procedure, mentally and emotionally.
The least we can do as a society and in government is to make sure these women are getting the absolute best care possible. We should all support a law that protects the health and safety of women here in Louisiana, and one day, all around the country.
Elizabeth Crochet is an 18-year-old political communication freshman from New Orleans, Louisiana.
Opinion: Louisiana law requiring admitting privileges for abortion providers is constitutional, fair
March 11, 2020
Abortion case