When I first got accepted into LSU last year, I was so excited. Then, I realized I was going to have to live in an on-campus dorm. I definitely did not like the sound of that, but my parents loved it. Being a teenager, that made me even more skeptical of dorm life.
When it came time for my roommate and I to pick our dorm, we were so set on one dorm, and ended up not getting it. This freaked me out even more, because we didn’t know exactly what we were getting ourselves into.
The closer I got to the move-in day, the more nervous I got. The thought of sharing a bathroom with three other girls, two that I had never met, was not exactly a comforting feeling. Plus, living in such a confined space with someone else for the entire school year was not something I looked forward to.
What I was expecting was not at all what dorm life turned out to be like. Maybe my experience was different than other freshmen since I lived in a brand-new dorm, but I think the University’s mandate that freshmen must live on campus unless they live within a 50-mile radius of campus is a good thing.
With all the football games I had been to before attending LSU, one would think I knew the campus like the back of my hand, but that could not be further from the truth. I was so unfamiliar with campus that I would get turned around every time I left my dorm. Living on campus this year forced me to not only learn the ins and outs of campus, but to do so very quickly.
Another great thing about living on campus for freshman year is how convenient it is. Students can wake up as late as possible and still walk to class in time, whereas off-campus students may have to worry about getting a parking spot or catching the bus. Not only are students closer to their classes, they are also closer to other important things on campus, such as food or the UREC.
Besides the convenience, living on campus is also a great way to meet people. Most clubs meet on campus, so living on campus makes it much easier to get involved in things you are passionate about.
If clubs are not your thing, every dorm has some kind of activity almost every week. Most of the time there is free food involved, and sometimes even dogs. These activities really helped me let my guard down and meet new people that lived on the same floor as me.
My final praise of dorm life is how safe the University made me feel. Throughout the school year, there was never a time I felt scared or worried for my safety. Also, having a Resident Assistant is fantastic, and I cannot stress that enough. Mine could not have been better. She was always friendly and open to talk about any issues I may have had. We all know how stressful college can get at times, but having an RA who understood what I was going through made me feel much better.
Because of the coronavirus, my dorm experience ended sooner than I imagined, but it served as a good reminder to not take things for granted. I was so close-minded about living in a dorm at first, but now, at the end of the year, I am so happy the University has this policy. This policy truly helped me experience LSU the way I think everyone should.
Elizabeth Crochet is an 18-year-old political communication freshman from New Orleans, Louisiana.
Opinion: The on-campus housing requirement for freshmen is good, helps students fully experience LSU
March 27, 2020
Highland Hall sits on Highland road and undergoes construction on March 11, 2020.