With the closing of the New Hampshire Primaries, there are less candidates vying for the Democratic presidential nomination. Furthermore, with Governor John Bel Edwards’ budgetary wishlist lacking his promised $1,000 teacher pay raise, there is only one thing that can be said to left-leaning friends across the state and country: welcome to the Republican Party.
When it comes to the leading candidates remaining in the Democratic race, there is no room for moderates to find any comfort with a candidate, as the key players have beyond extreme political stances.
There are many Americans who may be moderate or liberal about politics, but are devout on a pro-life stance. Leading Democratic candidates have banished such Americans from their party. Sen. Bernie Sanders, the candidate leading in national polls recently stated, “I think being pro-choice is an absolutely essential part of being a Democrat.”
In a CNN town hall, Sanders also stated that abortions in third world countries may be necessary to curb population growth and combat climate change. In other words, Sanders says that modern Democrats must be completely on board with abortions, and must support population control through abortion.
Sanders is not the only Democratic candidate who is excluding pro-life Democrats from the party.
In a more eloquently worded response to a pro-life Democrat in a Fox News town hall, Mayor Pete Buttigieg said, “I am pro-choice. And I believe that a woman ought to be able to make that decision. The best I can offer is that if we can’t agree on where to draw the line, the next best thing we can do is agree on who should draw the line. And in my view, it’s the woman who’s faced with that decision in her own life.”
By saying this, Mayor Buttigieg has completely written off compromising or working with people on the pro-life side of the abortion argument. It should also not be forgotten that Mayor Buttigieg has refused to respond in detail about his stances on late-term and partial-birth abortion.
There are roughly 21 million pro-life Democrats in the United States. One of those Democrats happens to be the governor of Louisiana. With Sanders’ and Buttigieg’s extreme rhetoric, 21 million voters might be forced to pinch their noses and cast their votes for Trump, possibly even reversing Buttigieg’s phrase and becoming “Future Former Democrats.”
Aside from the issue of abortion, the daily life of Americans everywhere will be turned inside-out if any of the leading Democrats take control of the White House. To begin, Bernie Sanders is a full-blown Marxist socialist, never retracting any of his most extreme leftist remarks such as wanting to completely nationalize the energy sector, banks and of course medicine.
Everyone from blue-collar workers to white-collar bankers will immediately become federal employees with no incentives to work hard because their salaries will be in the chokehold of mandatory unions.
I advise any college student working toward a business, finance or engineering degree, to drop out if a Democrat wins, as the future will not be as profitable for you as it is under Republican leadership.
Speaking of blue-collar workers, anyone in the energy sector will be in a runaway train riding into a brick wall if Mayor Buttigieg wins. Buttigieg immediately wants to implement a $1.5 trillion green energy plan that will stifle carbon-based energy with carbon taxes, hoping to phase out nearly all carbon-based energy plants by 2035.
Furthermore, while common sense would assume that the former fossil fuel engineers would transition to nuclear energy, Buttigieg does not even view nuclear energy as a viable long-term source of energy.
Sure, Buttigieg’s plan will mean net-zero emissions, when everyone is unemployed and the lights do not work. Meanwhile, under Trump’s administration, the U.S. has led the world in a decrease in carbon emissions despite using fossil fuels.
The last reason why moderates and left leaners will not be voting for a Democrat this election cycle is that the Democrat healthcare plan is a disaster. Sanders wants to implement a $34 trillion healthcare plan in which doctors would become federal employees of a nationalized healthcare plan.
Such a plan would inflate the national deficit, place a strict governmental control over all means of healthcare, force people to accept and pay for a healthcare plan they may not like and remove people’s ability to choose competitive alternative plans.
Furthermore, Buttigieg’s cheaper “Medicare for All Who Want it” plan will slowly and surely kill private markets, as subsidized healthcare will drive up the cost of private healthcare. Both ideas mean that the healthcare plans that families and individuals across the country have fought to create and rely on every day will vanish.
But this recklessness is not exclusive to the national Democrat candidates. Gov. John Bel Edwards let every teacher in the state of Louisiana down.Focusing on the economy and getting money circulating, Edwards promised to give every teacher in the state of Louisiana an extra $1,000 in their salary.
However, when presenting his budgetary wish list, Edwards did not have any records requesting the funding for this plan. Not long after, it was revealed that Edwards explained that he wants to sue Louisiana Treasurer John Schroder for an estimated $25 million in unclaimed property to help supplement the budget.
Edwards has a history of using educational funding as a means to political ends. That Edwards promised money that he does not currently have control over to teachers across the state should prove to Louisiana voters that even local politicians are afflicted with the same disease of saying anything to get elected, even if the candidate is a moderate, pro-life, capitalist Democrat.
In the end, there seems to be a deteriorating relationship between the Democratic party and average heartland Americans, and personally I am loving it. While Democrats continue to dive off the deep end and nominate more extreme candidates, more moderates will switch over to the Republican party.
Following Trump’s now-inevitable second term, the Republican party might be able to nominate and elect a normal human being. Let the leftist ideologues roll, and to the Democrats switching over to my beloved Republican party, I say to you, welcome home.
Brett Landry is a 21-year-old political communication senior from Bayou Petit Caillou, Louisiana.
Opinion: Both locally and nationally, Democrats are driving away moderate voters, helping Trump win reelection
By Brett Landry
February 15, 2020
Donald Trump has yet to nominate anyone to the seat left vacant by the late Justice Antonin Scalia.