Courtesy of IMDb
Stars: 5/5
The Netflix documentary “The Pharmacist” explains the events of Dan Schneider and family life after the passing of their son. Based on a true story in Chalmette, Louisiana, a family finds out after their son Daniel’s death that his death was a result of a drug deal gone bad.
The father who is a pharmacist in St. Barnard Parish helps assist in finding his son’s killer and further investigates the abuse of opioids in the city. The documentary takes the viewer through the years of investigation this one man accomplished in efforts to raise awareness of the opioid epidemic happening in southern Louisiana.
The series is well written with facts, details, images and recordings to portray an authentic story. With that, the show also had members from the story including the killer, witness, family members and one more important figure that I will not reveal in order to not spoil it for future viewers.
The documentary exceeds expectations of a normal true crime show since the father, Dan Schneider is a pharmacist and had an inside look at the epidemic. He was able to gather information and observe from a close view. His work ethic is inspiring and keeps viewers interested in the film the entire time. Moreover, the documentary triggers many different feelings, and you will be surprised with some comments and results.
The documentary for me is very personal since I am from New Orleans. I had no clue an opioid crisis was happening where I grew up. This comes to show how important this documentary is to not only reveal these stories to make people aware of the issue but to also educate the citizens in the area on the history of their city.
Many people are unaware of this issue, and if they do know, they are clueless about how the crisis started. This documentary takes the time to explain the background of the doctors, medicine distributors, the community and the pharmacies in the area.
The Netflix original “The Pharmacist” is a binge-worthy true-crime series that captures immense amount of content in four episodes. Viewers will be locked in and intrigued to know what happens next. The opioid epidemic is explained, and Dan Schneider aims to help end the horrible addiction and save lives. I recommend this show to anyone who loves true crime documentaries and if you need a new show to watch.