As an aspiring journalist who embraces conversation and debate, I encourage everyone to express themselves where they see fit. This liberty is written in the governing document of our country, and I would never usurp that power. But some of y’all need to be quiet.
The University has many nooks and crannies tucked away on this large campus where students and professors can find quiet, comfortable study spots in various buildings, ideal for working outside of the classroom. The travesty is out of all these places, I can hardly find a quiet room.
Somewhere near you, there is a conversation that you will learn every detail of, a song you will learn every lyric to and a professor whose every flaw you will learn. People rarely have the decency to save comments for areas of mass congregation. They belt them out in the silent lobbies and hallways where students are obviously studying between classes.
Benjamin Franklin once wrote, “Speak not but what may benefit others or yourself; avoid trifling conversation.” If you’re chatting with someone about day-to-day matters, the conversation should be paused when you’re entering a quiet location. This would seem like common courtesy or even an unspoken rule, but it clearly falls short of being recognized as either.
There have been several instances where other students and I were studying in a quiet room, and people entered without judging the environment or situation. I’ve been interrupted by all sorts of things, including students blasting Whitney Houston, Jay Leno and Donald Trump. The least these people could do is speak quietly while passing through, but I wouldn’t be writing this piece if that was the general mindset of people on campus.
Orators want to be heard, but a huddle of studying students shouldn’t be forced to be their audience. Being quiet for five seconds while traveling through quiet areas shows some respect for the learning process. The university is No. 1 in football but No. 153 in education, according to U.S. News & World Report. Anyone who sees a student diligently working should be quiet and silently applaud the effort.
My favorite conversation tactic is when people knowingly choose to speak in a language besides English to somehow ensure a confidential conversation, like that excuses them from being polite to people working in quiet areas. This is a college campus. Someone can understand you. Additionally, it is still rude to speak loudly in a silent room with people working, even if it’s in another language.
Needless to say, I understand that life is fast-paced, and some people don’t realize how loud they are when they enter into a silent room. This can happen if you’re engrossed in a good conversation, but you should be cognizant of your surroundings. If you can hear only your voice among many other people, you are probably too loud.
I would never deny anyone the freedom to talk among themselves or friends, but be polite when walking across campus. There are brilliant minds at work who thrive on keen focus. Don’t be the person to rudely interrupt the process.
Erin Stephens is a 19-year-old journalism sophomore from Brusly, Louisiana.
Opinion: People need to stop loudly talking in quiet study spaces on campus, disrespectful, distracting
February 26, 2020
LSU students study on Tuesday Feb. 11, 2020 in Patrick F. Taylor Hall.