This article goes out to all the members of the Tiger Band, cheerleaders, Golden Girls, Color Guard and all other campus performance groups. You are some of the most spirit-filled Tigers on campus.
The goosebumps Tiger fans all across the nation get when the band plays those four famous notes do not come without hard work and dedication from each member of the band. A typical game day for band members lasts about 14 or 15 hours, according to Tiger Band Drum Major, Taylor Brownfield.
The band meets for rehearsal early in the morning, before the tailgating even begins for many. Warming up in front of Tiger Fans at the Greek Theatre gets adrenaline running for both fans and the band before the big walk down Victory Hill. Hearing the band play “Pregame” is without a doubt something every Tiger fan should experience. I remember experiencing it for the first time as a toddler, and to this day, there is nothing like it.
After this, the band makes their way into the Pete Maravich Assembly Center where they perform for members of the Tiger Athletic Foundation. Once this performance has concluded, it is time for the big show. The Golden Band marches into the stadium to the iconic song “Zarathustra.” This song is played to let the crowd know that Tiger band has entered the stadium and is ready to take care of business, according to Brownfield. Of course that business is helping the football team achieve victory.
Once their entrance is complete, the band makes their way to the field for the famous Pregame Show. This is one of my favorite parts of the game, because it gets the crowd on their feet just moments before the Fighting Tigers take the field. As the game plays on, so does the band. The band plays constantly throughout the first and second quarter before making their way to the field again for the Halftime Show.
After the game is over, the band is still not finished. The band returns to Tiger Band Hall and as a group, they watch film of their pregame and halftime performances. The band directors provide tips in order to make sure that progress is made each week and that the band continually exceeds expectations. While football players get most of the attention, the Tiger Band never stops working to improve the game-day experience for their audience.
For many Tiger fans, the highlight of the season was the National Championship. The atmosphere and energy were like no other, especially because of the band’s great performances. The band, and other performance groups on campus, need to be appreciated more for all their hard work. Death Valley truly would not be the same without them.
Elizabeth Crochet is an 18-year-old political communication freshman from New Orleans, Louisiana.
Opinion: LSU football games would not be the same without the Tiger Band, band members need to be appreciated more
February 3, 2020
Show some love for Tiger Band