Growing up in Louisiana, I developed a significant animosity toward summer. Most people who spend some time in this state know exactly what I mean. The humidity, plus the heat and constant hurricane threats, is definitely not something I admire about this otherwise wonderful state.
Louisiana weather is just different — and not in a good way.
Since summer in this state is pretty miserable, I learned to cherish the other seasons, all of which seem to come and go way faster. Winter is usually nice because of the colder weather. On rare occasions we even get snow. I also enjoy spring, as it signals that the school year is school is coming to an end and the flowers are always beautiful. Fall, however, trumps them all.
The weather is just right. The humidity fades away as it begins to get cooler outside. It’s not quite hot enough to make you sweat, but not freezing enough to make you bundle up.
Aside from the weather, there are many more exciting things that take place during the fall. In a typical year (one not dominated by the restrictions of a pandemic), football season is beginning to heat up, Major League Baseball is finishing off the World Series and basketball is just around the corner. There isn’t much else sports fans could ask for.
Fall fashion is another bonus. Around this time, we begin to see people showing their best outfits. The boots, sweaters and jeans come out in full force; personally, it makes me happy.
On top of this, the holidays are beginning. Decorations are being brought out, Starbucks is starting its Christmas deals and Bath and Body Works has all the holiday scents on sale. Seeing all of this just brightens my mood and reminds me of what is around the corner.
There has been a lot going on this year, specifically the last few months — things that have gotten me stressed out and taken me out of my normal routine. You could probably guess what those things are. With all these distractions, I have not enjoyed the fall season like I usually would.
The weather has been beautiful lately; this week I decided to finally enjoy it. I have gone on walks, thrown a softball around and took time to appreciate the beauty of the season. I am so glad I did this. It truly freed my mind and reminded me of all the good and beauty the outdoors has to offer.
This fall, I challenge you to lie in a hammock, grab a blanket and a friend and sit on the Parade Ground or even just go on a walk around the LSU Lakes. Separate yourself from the things that consume your everyday life. It refreshes you physically and mentally and serves as a great reminder that this is the best season.
Elizabeth Crochet is a 19-year-old political communication sophomore from New Orleans.
Opinion: Fall is the best season — enjoy it
November 9, 2020
Leaves change colors outside the Quad on Thursday, Oct. 25, 2018.