Rarely is a hurricane season as active as 2020’s. So far, there have been five major hurricanes which has caused an estimated $38 billion in damage thus far. 2020 was a record-breaking season with five landfalls in Louisiana. Hurricane Eta was the strongest storm. Back in 2005, there were seven major hurricanes and it was the first season to ever use the Greek alphabet.
If there are more than 21 storms in one season, then the Greek alphabet is used to name additional storms, according to the National Hurricane Center.
Prior to 2020, there has only been one year where the Greek alphabet was used to name hurricanes, yet the World Meteorological Organization has already reached Iota, the ninth letter of the Greek alphabet this year. This leaves the question, what will come after Omega?
With no system in place for naming hurricanes after the Greek alphabet, this record-setting hurricane season leaves people wondering what could happen in the future– especially if more storms start to become more widespread in upcoming seasons.
“The National Hurricane Center (NHC) has not said what they would use if needed, since it has never happened before,” said WVLA-TV meteorologist Ashley Ruiz.
Although it’s not likely to happen anytime soon, from what 2020 has shown us, anything is possible.
“There’s no formal hurricane naming convention after the Greek alphabet; however, we’re still well away from reaching that point,” said Oceanography and Coastal Sciences assistant professor Paul Miller.
There would have to be another 15 named storms this season before Greek letters would run out.
Some meteorologists don’t think it’s necessary to implement a new system.
“Honestly, I think it’s impossible to get that far in one season, so I don’t think there is a plan in place,” said KLFY-TV meteorologist Heath Morton.
The storms thus far have ravaged the Gulf of Mexico. In Louisiana, Hurricane Laura damaged over 10,000 homes across the state and brought major damage to 35,000 homes, according to NBC News.
In November alone, there have been three subtropical storm formations which were Eta, Theta and Iota. These storms jumped three letters of the Greek alphabet in the span of 13 days.
“Still, we’re in the waning days of hurricane season, so it’s unlikely that we would make it beyond Omega,” said Miller.
Louisiana isn’t completely out of the target yet for another hurricane, but as November progresses onward, the chances are less likely. Hurricane season is most active in the summer and fall months.
The official hurricane season for the Atlantic Basin (the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, and the Gulf of Mexico) is from June 1 to Nov. 30, according to the National Hurricane Center’s website.
As it seems like hurricanes are becoming stronger and more frequent, the topic of climate change has been more prevalent. Such a dynamic environment like Louisiana can see multiple hurricanes per year. While a new naming system might not be needed now, it could certainly be needed in the future.
Without a doubt, 2020 will be looked at as an active hurricane season. Now, the preparations will start to begin for next season. It will only be a matter of time until it’s known if there will be a need for a new hurricane naming system.
“Fingers crossed that we don’t need another set of names,” said Ruiz.