Aurianna Cordero
AMC is located near the mall on Tuesday, Feb. 4, 2020.
I miss the good days of anticipating a movie and going to the theaters to see it. It was the perfect way to kill time, but it was also perfect for seeing creations on the big screen. All of us will have differing opinions of what makes a good or bad movie, but we can all agree that we miss the movie theaters.
The smell of popcorn filled the air, but you ended up being completely turned off by it once you saw the concession prices. I don’t go for the snacks. I go for the sweet escape of the movie that got my attention.
Covid-19 brought all theaters to a halt. Audiences are now watching movies on multiple streaming services. Also, some movies that were supposed to come out in theaters were added to streaming services. Audiences already watched movies at home, but it feels weird knowing that movie theaters are not an option.
Movie theaters like AMC and Cinemark in Baton Rouge are now open. They are trying to follow safety measures so patrons won’t spread the virus. For me, it still feels unsafe, and it ruins the experience.
Going to the movie theaters was considered a safe space for many, but patrons may now end up paying attention to the person coughing behind them and wondering if they have the virus or not. It’s distracting and overwhelming, so watching movies at home is my only option.
AMC is offering $5 concessions, and 30% off ticket prices before 5 p.m. to attract patrons back to the theaters, but do the patrons really want to go back?
Some do and some don’t. It depends on the individual, but safety will sometimes overpower pleasure. Streaming services are still providing new movies and TV shows. I didn’t completely lose movies, but losing the experience still hurts.
This virus has taken away some things that we took for granted. I did take the movie theaters for granted, but my love for film didn’t go away. It’s just a reminder to realize that some small things in our lives are good to us. I’ll be back there one day, and I won’t take it for granted this time.