Dear LSU admission:
When people say that Mike the Tiger has better on-campus housing than the (predominantly black) students at Kirby Smith Hall, you know you have more than just a PR problem on your hands.
And yet, that’s the exact way LSU thinks they can solve their blatant, historic problem of racist students and faculty: with pretty words and vague promises.
On June 5th, actress Skai Jackson took to Twitter to “expose” various racists that flooded her direct messages. From those messages, she posted a video of incoming LSU freshman Drew Dollar screaming “I hate n******.” Hard “r.”
Twitter user @madisonrousse tweeted “@LSU @LSUpresident practice what you preach & rescind this kid’s admission.” To which LSU responded:
We are wondering where that 1st amendment right came into play when LSU football players were asked to not say anything about the Alton Sterling incident in 2016, as twitter user @tayyyfaye pointed out.
Regarding free speech, there is always a line crossed when it comes to hate speech. We would like to know where that line is drawn, and if it exists at all in the eyes of LSU. There is a difference between posting your political views and exclaiming that you hate all black people, with a derogatory slur attached. Is there not?
As Twitter user @eugenejohnson_ pointed out, in the Student Code of Conduct, under section 10.2: behavioral misconduct, there are disciplinary repercussions to such language.
What Drew Dollar says in the video can fall under H. Endangerment, L. Harassment, or P. Offensive behavior.
LSU also states, in their multi-paragraph response, “Although we can’t comment on individual complaints, let it be known that conduct by a member of the LSU community that is found in violation of our policies will be addressed.” We are wondering how exactly they will actually be addressing this. Since they cannot comment on individuals, they could at least give us something more direct about what specific disciplinary action is to be expected in regards to anything of this nature.
People like Drew Dollar are a danger to 13% of LSU’s campus. Even worse, Dollar is a pre-medicine major aspiring to go into a field where there is a sky-high public health crisis with a particular impact in black communities. LSU cannot continue to knowingly contribute to this injustice.
Any university above the Mason-Dixon line would have rescinded this individual’s admission status. We are wondering why the LSU administration cannot do the same.
For years, LSU has been on the wrong side of history, actively working to keep black students out of their stately oaks, rather than encouraging them to attend and protecting them while they are here. The Reveille has published many articles about that historic plight this past academic year. This is the time where the LSU administration can show up for their black students and faculty and finally fulfill their statements of “standing together for equality and justice, and condemning racism in any form.”
Thank you for your consideration.