LSU Interim President Tom Galligan and Board of Supervisors Chair Mary Werner released a statement Thursday evening, June 11, reflecting on yesterday’s, June 10, summit with black student leaders to address inequities throughout the University.
“The actions we’re outlining today will not immediately solve every issue we need to address. Thus, we have committed to ongoing conversations so that we continue to make progress,” the statement read. “As we move forward, mistakes will surely be made. However, if we continue to work together in a spirit of collaboration, we are confident our mistakes will lead to continued forward progress.”
Per the statement, University officials will now adhere to the following when addressing inclusivity and diversity throughout campus, effective immediately:
- Increase the ratio of minority professionals in every academic area.
- Increase funding for minority programs and departments to positively affect the Black student experience.
- Organize LSU resources specifically targeted towards minority students and workers dealing with mental health and trauma.
- Address and correct issues of racism and discrimination on campus through the Student Code of Conduct and LSU Student Advocacy and Accountability.
- Make timely statements condemning racism and injustice and implement policies clearly outlining the University’s standard of disapproval.
- Include Black student representatives in University administration conversations that impact the student body.
The University is also committing to, according to the statement:
- Making inclusion a major part of university communications;
- Developing and implementing improved annual diversity training;
- Increasing community building opportunities for diverse students, faculty, and staff;
- Adding diversity offerings to New Employee Orientation; and
- Strengthening LSU’s position on diversity to reflect anti-racism.
The LSU Board of Supervisors will discuss the removal of Troy H. Middleton’s name from the University’s library on June 19.
“The library is a place where our students of color should feel welcome and safe as they study, learn, and congregate with their peers,” the statement read. “Building and place names should not be a reminder of a racist past, reminders that inhibit our students’ learning and their full inclusion on campus.”
Galligan and Werner’s statement concluded saying they will continue to have conversations with black student leaders, faculty and staff, and representatives representing communities throughout the LSU community.
“Diversity and inclusion are fundamental to LSU’s mission, and our university is committed to creating and maintaining a living and learning environment that not only embraces individual difference but thrives because of it,” the statement read.
Click here for the full statement.