Whether it be getting engaged, moving in together, or even, buying matching Jordans, we are all looking for a unique symbol of love to display to the world.
Sometimes we may even go to extremes to express love to one another. Matching tattoos are one of the trendiest mistakes millennial couples are making to display their affections. Tattoos are permanent and life-changing. Is the love you have for your significant other as permanent as a tattoo? If the answer is yes, be sure to consider the long-term consequences.
This adventure may seem like a romantic gesture. Young adults think their love will last a lifetime, but they are taking it too far and moving too fast in their relationships. Getting a matching tattoo in a new-found relationship is a spur-of-the-moment decision. It may seem fun, cute and thrilling to have a tattoo to share in memory of your partner, but what if you break up?
Jess Goodwin from Housekeeping wrote an article discussing her tattoo adventure with her now ex-boyfriend. The article, “My Boyfriend and I Got Matching Tattoos — Then We Broke Up, But that doesn’t mean I regret it,” seems contradictory, and reveals the writer’s denial.
She wouldn’t need to validate her choice if she was really okay with still having the tattoo on her body. The article goes on to explain how she and her boyfriend broke up six months after getting the matching tattoos, ending their two and a half year relationship. They were young and thought they were in love. They made a rash choice, which is not easy to make disappear.
A two or three year relationship is definitely not enough time to permanently brand your supposed love on your body. It might be okay if you are married, but who’s to say you will not get a divorce. Tattoos are fun and all, but they should be an art you thought of for yourself, and unique to your personality. Tattoos also affect your future. Your next significant other could be offended by an ex’s name or sentimental memory being on your body.
Jeannie Beaver, lasering specialist at Newport Tattoo Removal in Costa Mesa, California, removes hundreds of matching tattoos every year.
“Most of the time, people come in because their current partner really wants them to get rid of their ex’s name or the reminder,” Beaver said. “In some cases, it’s causing a rift in their current relationship.”
Your past mistakes could negatively affect your future.
Whether you both get tattoos or just one of you, it’s a risky move. In this situation, if you break up, the person with the commemorative tattoo will be the one hurt. You will always have a constant reminder of who you once were with and the pain they caused you. Do not make this mistake, because the tattoo will not only be a lesson in love, but a tragic lesson in life.
This also holds true for matching tattoos with friends as well. Human relationships will always be flawed. Some people who come in your life will be temporary, so don’t give a temporary person a permanent place in your life. If you really want something to remember someone by, get matching T-shirts. They are fun, cute and can be burned safely when the person leaves you high and dry.
Don’t force yourself to keep a tattoo and say “I don’t regret it” or “It’s okay, it will be a life lesson.” The truth is, you will regret it. You will wish you never did it, and you’ll learn your lesson about getting matching tattoos. Sadly, some people never learn. Do not feed into the hype. If someone really loves you, they do not need a permanent tattoo to show it. Actions speak louder than tattooed words.
Kiana Naquin is a 20-year-old English sophomore from Baton Rouge, Louisiana.
Opinion: Matching tattoos too extreme for undetermined love
By Kiana Naquin
March 20, 2018