As writers and creatives, we love absorbing media. From stories and books to music, movies and TV shows, our staff is always on the lookout for new and different things to read, listen to and watch. We want to engage with you, our readers, and recommend what we’re into — and hear if you have any suggestions for us, too. We’ll publish our Legacy Loves series on a weekly basis. Give it a try, and maybe you’ll find something new to love.
“A Star Is Born,” Warner Bros. Pictures
Bradley Cooper’s directorial debut starring Lady Gaga is nothing short of a triumph for the pair. The Oscar-contender breathes new life into the Hollywood trope, and Lady Gaga undeniably propels the film. It’s tragic, it’s beautiful, it’s a must-see.
“Riverdale” season three premiere, The CW
“Riverdale” is the modern soap opera, escapist media at its finest. The show is notably poorly-written, with gaping plot holes and “Grey’s Anatomy”-style cliffhangers each episode, but we’re here for the drama and star-studded cast. Even with all its plot twists, we’re invested in these characters and what lies in store for them. After season two’s finale showing Hiram Lodge’s plans for the South Side and plotting Archie’s arrest, we can only speculate about what season three holds — “Riverdale” is anything but predictable. Season three premieres on The CW Oct. 10.
Adopting a sustainable lifestyle
According to a report published Oct. 7 by United Nations scientists, the Earth could be in serious crisis as early as 2040. The 700-page report from the The Commission on Science and Technology for Development supports that climate change will reach dangerous levels in just 12 years. This piece from Vox explains the study’s findings in easy-to-understand terms. We love caring about the Earth and living in a more eco-conscious lifestyle — and you should, too. You can reduce your carbon footprint in a plethora of small ways, from buying secondhand to recycling to biking or taking the bus instead of driving. Check out this article for over 100 ways you can live a more sustainable life.
“Oh Baby” music video, LCD Soundsystem
In today’s music industry, music videos are few and far between because of exorbitant production costs. But, they’re still a way for an artist to execute a creative visual statement for a song and reflect the state of contemporary pop culture. LCD Soundsystem takes this notion and pushes it further, creating something similar to a short film for its single “Oh Baby.” The sci-fi drama, directed by Rian Johnson of “Star Wars” fame, depicts an elderly couple attempting to build a teleportation device. Think “Interstellar” vibes. Watch the video here.
“Nation of Two,” Vance Joy
Though “Nation of Two,” the follow-up to indie-folk singer Vance Joy’s 2014 debut album “Dream Your Life Away,” came out in February we’ve had the record on replay recently.
Also worth mentioning: Father John Misty delivered an unforgettable performance last Saturday at the Civic Theatre in New Orleans, prompting us to re-discover his 2018 album “God’s Favorite Customer” all over again.
Listen to “Nation of Two” below.
Have a suggestion for something we should check out for our weekly roundup? Email [email protected].