“Big Mouth,” created by Nick Kroll, Andrew Goldberg, Mark Levin and Jennifer Flackett, has turned into a big hit. The animated TV show is based off of Kroll and Goldberg’s teenage life, which, thankfully, was painfully awkward and hilarious.
The show follows the lives of teens; Nick (Nick Kroll) Andrew (John Mulaney) Jessi (Jessi Klein) Jay (Jason Mantzoukas) and their hormone monsters. Each teen is assigned a hormone monster to guide them through the excruciating trials of puberty, which, as we all know, can be hard enough as it is.
The first season of the show threw viewers into the vulgarness that is “Big Mouth.” The show doesn’t hold back with anything and can get away with cursing every scene and talking about sex because of the animation, which is the most impressive part of the show.
This season kicks off with the gang reuniting, after Jessi and Jay ran away together for one night. The friends quickly fall back into the trivials of school life and the season unfolds into one ridiculous episode after another, which can be expected from Nick Kroll and John Mulaney as the voices.
The show simultaneously remains vulgar and adorable. Underneath all of the crassness, the characters occasionally have deep conversations about family life and the importance of friendship. This season also offers insights into “Big Mouth”’s supportive ideology on Planned Parenthood.
In episode five,”The Planned Parenthood Show” the show cleverly sneaks in all of the positive services Planned Parenthood provides while talking about abortion. Leah, Nick’s older sister, has to pick which form of protection she will use. She picks the “pull out method” even though her mother insists that she use condoms and be put on the pill. At the end of the show, we learn about how Nick was conceived and we all learn a valuable lesson.
The show is for anyone who is going through a tough times or just wants to laugh. I wouldn’t necessarily recommend watching it with your parents, unless you share a weird sense of humor with them like I do with mine.
Season two of “Big Mouth” is especially riveting. The characters develop into young adults and start having feelings for one another, which brings even more confusing conflict to the plot. They experience crushes for the first time and the minor heartbreak that is pre-teen relationships.
The best part of the season is the adults. The show highlights how crucial of a role adults play in teens development. The parents range from uptight and strict to laid back and unsure and not even knowing how old their kids are. The most impactful adult in the kids lives is Coach Steve.
Coach Steve is an impeccable character who grows up with the kids and even loses his virginity in episode four. In this episode, “Steve The Virgin” we learn he never had a dad growing up and grew up with his mom and her lover Gary. Coach Steve acts as comedic relief when the kids talk about intense subjects.
Every scene is beautifully detailed, even though it doesn’t have to be, which seems to be a theme in the show. “Big Mouth” may be overlooked as just a crude, animated TV show, but it is so much more.