The Dow Jones average recently rose to over 26,000 for the first time in history. In perfect accordance with his doctrine of bigger, better and best, it has been all too common for President Trump to tweet, even so often as twice a day, about how well the stock market is doing under his administration.
The markets are doing exceptionally well under Trump, but the rise and rejuvenation of the U.S. economy did not start on Jan. 20, 2017 with his inauguration. The markets are continuing the steady increase started during the Obama administration.
The market actually did better in former President Barack Obama’s first year than it did in Trump’s. The difference is Obama inherited a recession and Trump started with a stable market. A million tweets cannot change that fact.
More important than this notion is the analysis of who really profits from the gains of the stock market increase. It’s rich white people.
Yes, specifically white people because race plays a key role in investing and wealth in general.
“Blacks are 35 percent less likely than whites of similar means to invest in the stock market, with a devastating effect on their ability to accumulate wealth,” ABC News said.
The correlation between race and wealth in America has always been negative for black people. Trump himself even asked the community, “What do you have to lose?” In retrospect, he never told black America what he truly had to offer.
A recent CNN Money report stated 88 percent of taxpayers who earn more than $1 million own shares in the market. The report said only 18.7 percent of taxpayers are invested in the market by stock portfolio. In a country composed of roughly 323 million people, that’s far from the majority of Americans directly benefiting from market growth.
Interestingly, IRS record data shows the states who voted for Trump in 2016 are among the states less likely to benefit from the stock market doing well.
Why is this rich white man flaunting his apparent success in helping a relatively small faction of rich white people? Trump ran on the guarantee he supports the interests of the working-class American. Yet, the only class of Americans seeing instant dividends are wealthy people like himself.
Since Trump is clearly looking out for the interests of the richest Americans, we won’t see any programs that target the wealth gap between wealthy whites and minority Americans. We won’t see a mandate in wage equality for women. We won’t see a federal minimum wage increase that would further economic growth.
Unfortunately, we did see massive partisan tax reform that will most likely widen the wealth gap further. We did see the repeal of the Obama-era Fair Pay and Safe Workplaces executive order ensuring companies with government contracts comply with labor and civil rights laws. We continually see his presidential cabinet and White House staff dominated by his favorite rich white people.
Frankly speaking, Trump owns the highs and lows of the stock market and the American economy for the next three years. Every time he tweets, he reminds us that if the bubble bursts, he will be to blame. Let’s hope America won’t be listed as his seventh bankruptcy.
Justin Franklin is an 18-year-old political communication freshman from Memphis, Tennessee.
Opinion: Trump’s stock market bragging proves commitment to rich white voters
January 24, 2018