On Jan. 23, Jordan Peele learned his film “Get Out” was nominated for four Academy Awards: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Original Screenplay and Best Actor. The same day, Peele tweeted about speaking to Best Actor nominee and “Get Out” actor Daniel Kaluuya.
“I just spoke to Daniel. You know when you’re on the phone trying to disguise the sound of an ugly cry? I failed at that.”
Of all people and movies nominated, those for “Get Out” are certainly most deserving.
Although 2017 was a great year for movies, none can compare to what “Get Out” accomplished. The artistic work at play is something no other movie has done before. It did a great job at providing enough horror to scare viewers, while simultaneously exciting the viewers and keeping them on the edge of their seats. There was also the inclusion of audacious racial dialogue, causing many conversations about underlying issues in the U.S. The movie’s popularity, despite its controversial nature, is what makes it so great. The nominations of a racially-charged movie written by a black man, with the protagonist also being nominated as a black man, goes against the grain.
As some may recall, the Oscars were very popular last year for the hashtag created around it:#OscarsSoWhite. The Academy Awards were noted for their lack of diversity after, for the second year in a row, all 20 nominees for the lead and supporting actor categories were white. In its 88 years, only 14 black people have won acting Oscars.
Both Peele and Kaluuya have a history in the industry, though none as impactful as with “Get Out.” Peele was previously known for his show with actor Keegan-Michael Key, “Key and Peele.” Kaluuya was known for smaller roles in shows such as “Black Mirror.” For many, “Get Out” was the first time they had ever heard of either of them; now they’re greatly recognized for their talents.
Kaluuya and Peele are certainly most deserving of at least one of the awards. Kaluuya did a great job at performing an incredibly difficult character, and Peele was the genius behind it all. It is incredibly unconventional for one person to write, direct and produce a movie as Peele had done. The movie even made Peele the first black writer-director to land $100 million debut.
If this movie doesn’t receive one, if not all, of the Oscars it was nominated for, there will definitely be backlash from many.
“Get Out” is a contentious and outspoken movie. It has changed the way many view the industry and the possibilities for future works. I, along with many others, will be highly disappointed if Peele and Kaluuya don’t receive the recognition they deserve.
Chantelle Baker is a
21-year-old communication studies senior from
Waipahu, Hawaii.
Opinion: ‘Get Out’ boundary-pushing, deserves Oscars nominations
January 30, 2018