After nearly an hour and a half of debating Wednesday night, Student Government Senate passed a bill to amend SG bylaws to address the formation of caucuses after the Senate created a new black caucus earlier this month.
The bill established a set of laws on proper membership, leadership, duties, meetings and restrictions on caucuses.
Sen. Jackson Voss, University Center for Freshman Year, said the bill “will create a foundational process for the formation of caucuses and the way they will be restricted.”
The new bylaws said caucuses must have at least five active members and will give reports during Senate meetings.
The bylaws also state caucuses can endorse a piece of legislation but cannot pass a bill or resolution.
“We hope to formalize the way we deal with caucuses from here on out,” Voss said. “A caucus is a body that will meet to discuss legislation and problems they have with it.”
The need to create bylaws regarding forming caucuses came from the formation of a black caucus on March 3.
After much heated debate, the resolution to form a black caucus passed 32-11-2.
Senate also passed a resolution for the University to meet the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design standards to create a more sustainable campus.
Mili Reyes, SG assistant director of sustainability, said the purpose of the resolution is to have all future buildings on campus to meet LEED standards.
Reyes said the benefit of meeting these standards is recognition, reducing waste and reducing water usage.
Reyes said SG wants to make a difference in sustainability on campus and have builders keep the LEED standards in mind when designing and construction buildings.
Sen. Marcus Alexander, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, authored the bill and said many of the University’s peer institutions are already meeting these standards.
“We just want to put the bug in their ear to make sure they understand this is something they’re looking for,” Alexander said of construction companies.
SG President J Hudson also encouraged SG senators to send e-mails to state Sen. Yvonne Dorsey, encouraging her to agree to meet with him.
Hudson said Dorsey represents the area including the campus in the Legislature, and she is the only Baton Rouge-area lawmaker he hasn’t been able to reach.
Contact Catherine Threlkeld at [email protected]
Senate passes caucus creation bylaw bill at Wednesday meeting
March 23, 2011