It’s not often the opportunity arises to see a G-rated comedy show that’s actually funny, but Brian Regan’s upcoming show in Baton Rouge is just that.
The critically acclaimed funny man will be headlining at the Baton Rouge River Center on April 14 as part of his “Brian Regan Live in Concert” tour.
Regan, who performed in Baton Rouge in 2007 and 2009, said the local crowd is always a pleasure to perform for.
“I have to adjust to all the purple and yellow when I’m on stage,” Regan said. “I look out into the audience and think, ‘Man, these colors have taken over this land.'”
Regan recently released “All by Myself,” a live CD of his stage performance on Dec. 7.
Regan said his material for the upcoming Baton Rouge show will be similar to the “All by Myself” performance, but the audience should expect some new material, as well.
“Once I record something I try to think of it as ‘checked off’ and start trying to replace it,” Regan said. “It’s sort of like a 24-hour supermarket. The stock boy can’t close the aisle to take down old cans and put up new ones. The shopping carts can still go up and down the aisle.”
Regan has made a name for himself as both an observational comic and entertainer whose material is without profanity and crude references.
Regan said the process he goes through when writing jokes is difficult to explain.
“Comedians look at the same things that other people look at, but they look through a prism,” Regan said. “When white light goes through a prism it comes out all different colors, and it’s kind of like that with comedians. We look at something, and then it comes out differently, and how or why that happens I don’t really know.”
Keeping his comedy act clean is something Regan said he has done on purpose throughout his career.
“I don’t even really think about it,” Regan said. “I just happen to like to work that way.”
Regan said he began leaving the four-letter words out of his routine when he realized it wasn’t necessary in his set to make his audience laugh.
“Some people think I’m obsessed with this clean thing,” Regan said. “Yeah, it’s what I do, but it’s not something I put at the top of the importance list.”
Regan said he gets new material from a variety of sources.
“I’ve learned the best thing for me is to not really do anything other than what I’d normally do,” Regan said. “I travel, I watch TV, I read a little bit and I have two kids. Whatever is part of my world is what I notice. When I was younger I had stuff about playing little league baseball, and now I have stuff about how my hip hurts.”
Contact Andrew Price at [email protected]
Stand-up comic Brian Regan coming to the Red Stick
April 6, 2011