Picture millions of men and women without STD testing and treatments, breast and cervical cancer screenings, or comprehensive sexual education – that is what our country can look forward to if federal funding to Planned Parenthood is lost.
As a woman who escaped adolescence without truly understanding the ins-and-outs of my sexual reproduction, I know firsthand what it feels like to really need honest information and to search for a trusted family planning provider. Fortunately, I’ve managed to stay safe and healthy! However, I’m worried about the state of women’s health care access in Louisiana and throughout the United States.
Specifically, I’m concerned about the political attacks on Planned Parenthood. In Congress, extremists are trying to hijack the budget process and bar Planned Parenthood from receiving any federal funds. Life-saving healthcare services are at risk of slipping away from 3 million American women. The extreme proposal, initiated by Rep. Pence of Indiana, will hurt American women by taking away health care that they receive today.
This entire situation is sloppy politics, short sighted and fiscally irresponsible. We know that every public dollar invested in family planning programs saves about four dollars in Medicaid-related costs. Every day in Baton Rouge Planned Parenthood provides preventive health care, including lifesaving cancer screenings, birth control, annual exams, STI testing and more. It’s a no-brainer that these preventive health care services save lives and save money. Where will the millions of people who rely on Planned Parenthood go if this measure becomes law?
Taking all of this into account, it is apparent that Pence and those supporting these dangerous attacks on women’s health care are sending a message — they do not care about the millions of Americans that want to live safe and healthy reproductive lives.
Let’s get real. Less reproductive health care services means increased disease and increased costs. Sounds good I guess, if you are into that kind of thing.
Jessica Allain
LSU English major
Contact The Daily Reveile’s opinion staff at opinion.lsureveille.com
Letter to the Editor: Congress should save Planned Parenthood
April 11, 2011