The film and media arts minor is becoming a major concentration in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences.
Gaines Foster, dean of the college, said the University already offers almost all the courses students need for the major.
“We’re very excited about the prospect,” Foster said. “It’s been a very popular and successful program.”
FMA combines programs from communication studies, mass communication, cinema and other courses.
“The bachelor of arts in liberal arts enables students in the College of Humanities & Social Sciences to earn a bachelor of arts degree with a concentration in a variety of areas in which no formal major is offered,” the FMA program description said. “The program is designed to give students the opportunity to become broadly educated in the liberal arts, while satisfying the requirements for specialized areas of concentration.”
James Catano, film and media arts director, sent his students an e-mail saying they will be able to concentrate solely on FMA as of fall 2012.
“Hope this starts to satisfy students who have been asking us to move in this direction,” Catano said in the e-mail.
The major will require nine hours of core FMA courses and 24 hours of electives.
Contact Catherine Threlkeld at [email protected]
Film and media arts to become bachelor of arts concentration
May 5, 2011