If you’re looking for a fun, hands-on venture into the rapidly changing world of journalism, The Daily Reveille is the place for you.
We are seeking applicants for all sections, including writing, design, photography, video and radio for summer and fall 2011.
Join us tonight at 6 p.m. in the Holliday Forum of the Journalism Building to apply for one or both terms.
As fall 2011 editor-in-chief, I join summer editor Steven Powell in saying we encourage you to show us what you can contribute to your campus newspaper and apply for a position.
The Daily Reveille prepares students for all aspects of creating a daily publication.
Whether you’re an entertainment junkie, a sports fanatic or a graphic-design guru, there’s a job for you.
All positions are paid, and those who work with us carry their experiences throughout their lifetimes. Working for your college newspaper is one of the most respected jobs a student can hold and essential for entering a media-related career.
The Daily Reveille provides ample outlets for obtaining summer internships and professional jobs, and many of our employees make some of their best friends while working at the paper.
Even if mass communication isn’t your major, there’s a place for you at TDR. The paper attracts students from all academic backgrounds, including English, engineering, business and more.
Think about what suits you best. Future photographers can have their work published in a paper that has a 14,000-copy circulation, and radio reporters can hone their broadcast skills on the University’s station, KLSU.
Applicants may seek positions in as many sections as desired. Visit lsureveille.com to read more about the various positions TDR has available.
Once you leave the Journalism Building tonight, section editors will review the applications and determine the most promising crop of potential employees.
Interviews will be conducted next week, and by the time final exams are over, you’ll know whether TDR is the right fit for you.
We provide a training session before the start of school, where you’ll learn everything you need to know about how The Daily Reveille works.
Get excited about the opportunity to serve an award-winning publication that has seen its alumni obtain journalism jobs all across the country.
If you seek an opportunity unlike any other job on campus, The Daily Reveille is where you need to be.
Questions? Call the newsroom at 578-4810 or stop by B-16 Hodges Hall today for more info.
See you tonight.
The Daily Reveille holding fall application session tonight
May 4, 2011