The University is one step closer to being smoke and tobacco free after Faculty Senate passed passed two resolutions Wednesday against smoking on campus.
The senate first passed a resolution to ban smoking within 30 feet of entranceways, then passed a resolution to declare the campus smoke free by the year 2012 and form a task force to work out details of enforcement.
Senators debated the resolution to ban smoking within 75 feet of an entranceway, and decided to amend it to 30 feet. The resolution was passed in a 17-to-14 hand vote.
Joan King, a co-sponsor of the resolution, said people around the buildings would have to be the enforcement.
King said Student Government passed a similar resolution April 27.
Charles Delzell, mathematics associate chair, said he had “several rationales for these restrictions.”
Delzell said a “whiff of smoke” twice a day doesn’t bother him and tobacco doesn’t impair people’s ability to work.
“Some of our prize-winning professors in the past have been smokers,” Delzell said.
Following the passing of the resolution for the 30-foot ban, the debate switched to the resolution declaring the campus smoke and tobacco free, which passed in a 21 to eight hand vote.
Michael Russo, one of the sponsors of the resolution, said he felt nonsmokers’ rights were being violated more than smokers.
“Right to breathe unpolluted air trumps any ones right to vote,” Russo said.
The resolution calls for a task force to be created to help work on implementation and enforcement of the ban.
The resolutions require further approval from the provost before taking effect.
Faculty Senate also voted to move debate on the resolution to make Thanksgiving Break a week long until the September 8 meeting.
Contact Celeste Ansley at [email protected]
Faculty Senate passes two resolutions against smoking on campus
May 4, 2011