The LSU Theatre Department delivered diverse displays of artistic expressions this semester.
“In Between,” a multifaceted physical performance, explored humanity through the abstract representation of daily life told through dance movements performed on aerial silks on Jan. 25. The performance embraced the “in between” of reality and fantasy, as well as chaos and tranquility.
Ashley Gieg, choreographer and University alumna, said Nicholas Erickson, associate theatre professor, brought aerial silks to the University in 2003.
“It’s very rare for a university supporting an aerial silk program, especially in the South,” Gieg said. “The more people hear about aerial silk performances, the bigger it becomes at LSU.”
William Shakespeare’s “King Lear” launched Swine Palace’s spring season Feb. 2 and gave audiences a contemporary look at one of the most famous tragedies in the English language.
The title character, performed by George Judy, head of the Department of Theatre’s master of fine arts acting program, descends into madness after foolishly dividing his estate among two of his three daughters, revealing the tribulations of family relations.
Judy described the play as an incredibly relevant contemporary piece. He said “King Lear” reflects the divisiveness of the current political scene and complexities of family relationships.
“The show is the most beautiful production in terms of setting and costumes,” Judy said. “It’s a play running with veins of humor and excitement. It’s not just the dismal side of what tragedy can be — it’s enticingly human and passion-filled.
Students explored censorship and controversy in small-town America with Pulitzer Prize finalist playwright Adam Rapp’s thought-provoking play “The Metal Children,” performed March 24 through April 10 at the Reilly Theatre.
“The play follows young-adult novelist Tobin Falmouth and his emotional journey to overcome the heartbreak of his wife leaving him for another man,” said Joanna Battles, director of “The Metal Children” and master of fine arts student.
With an attention-grabbing title and culturally relevant theme, “The Electronic Nigger” tackled race and education through an interactive performance at the Music and Dramatic Arts’ Studio this February.
The tragicomedy examined the miseducation of African Americans and the subsequent ramifications through the journey of black intellectuals who struggle with the effects education places on their racial identity.
Renaldo McClinton, performance theatre senior, made his directorial debut with “The Electronic Nigger” and said it was an honor directing a work by Ed Bullins, legendary African-American playwright, and wanted to do justice to the heavily titled piece.
“The performance represents the constraints of certain ethnic groups who can’t escape being identified by their skin color rather than their education,” McClinton said.
“Outworks 2011” extended an invitation of love through the festival’s seven short plays based on themes of different sexualities in the Music and Dramatic Arts Studio Theatre this March.
“Outworks is an invitation to love. It contains seven short plays that invite the audience to witness a different kind of love from a different perspective,” said Sarah Ford, theatre senior. Ford directed “Leave Me Alone,” a piece about two boys struggling with their sexual identities and relationship.
Contact Jeanne Lyons at [email protected]
Theatre Department thrills spring audiences
May 8, 2011