John LaBruzzo, you are one hell of a troll.
What else could explain the bills you’ve proposed besides desire for attention?
LaBruzzo, for those of you who don’t know, is the state representative out of Metairie. Elected in 2003, LaBruzzo certainly seems to want to get his name out there.
Whether it’s his 2008 proposal for voluntary sterilization for poor women or his 2009 motion to drug test people receiving welfare (which he has continued to push every year since), his ideas seem to be divisive.
If these bills weren’t enough to make me dislike LaBruzzo, his latest proposal certainly did the job.
In late April, LaBruzzo proposed House Bill 587, which aims to make abortion illegal in the state of Louisiana. Looking past the inherent hypocrisy of such a bill coming from the “small government” party, one can easily see just how barbaric this proposed bill actually is.
Beyond the standard idea of closing down abortion clinics and preventing doctors from performing the operation, LaBruzzo’s bill also includes punishments associated with the “crime.”
Should a woman abort a fetus for any reason, even if it were a product of rape or posed a health danger, she could face anywhere from five to 15 years in prison for infanticide. This idea is absolutely insane, and there is no justification for such harsh measures.
Thankfully, after Roe v. Wade, such a bill cannot be put in to practice, even if there was support for it. LaBruzzo knows that and claims this bill is part of an attempt to bring the issue back to the Supreme Court and possibly change the ruling.
As for why he believes the ruling now would be any different now than it was nearly 40 years ago? According to him, the technology we know have allows us to “peer into the uterus and see an image that even my 4-year-old would say, you know, that’s a baby.”
Truly, some great thinking there.
All it will do is make it more of an ordeal for those who may already be going through a horrible time.
Not everyone who gets an abortion is a whore. Even if people used contraceptives, there isn’t a 100 percent guarantee the woman won’t get pregnant.
Why, then, should both the child and parents be punished because chance was against them? LaBruzzo might say adoption is the solution, yet there are already countless kids needing to be adopted, and it is not the great solution he makes it out to be.
While the act of abortion itself isn’t something I support, there is absolutely no reason a woman should not be allowed to have the choice to get one.
Yet, even if this horrible excuse for a bill were to pass, LaBruzzo has to realize it really won’t stop anyone. If someone really wants to get rid of the object growing inside them, they will. Whether it means traveling to a place where it’s legal, finding a back-alley abortionist or simply risking it themselves, this bill will not stop them.
Additionally, women’s rights groups like Women on Waves will do what they can to make sure those who need abortions get them. Sailing to countries like Poland and Portugal, the group gives women safe and legal abortions in international waters.
Surely, we don’t need to have them come to our shores as well.
LaBruzzo, I hate to feed your cravings for attention, but just like President Barack Obama said concerning his birth certificate, we do not have time for this silliness.
Zachary Davis is a 20-year-old history junior from Warsaw, Poland. Follow him on Twitter @TDR_zdavis.
Failure of Diplomacy: Rep. Labruzzo’s bills beg for attention, must be aborted
May 3, 2011