An Apple laptop, a Panasonic HD camera, an AT&T mobile phone and the training and support one needs to make a film is what participating students will receive in their quest to make a five-minute short film in one week.
Ann Daykin, promotions manager for Campus MovieFest, said over 75 universities across the United States and Mexico now participate in the world’s largest student film festival.
“CMF began 10 years ago when four students at Emory University provided fellow students with everything they needed to make movies in one week,” Daykin said. “Since then, more than 350,000 students have received all the necessary technology and training to tell their stories for free thanks to corporate partners and schools.”
According to Daykin, all films must be five minutes or less and made during the seven-day movie-making week. Out of all the submissions, 16 films will be chosen to advance to the grand finale. The Red Carpet Grand Finale will take place at the Campus Cinema in Witherspoon Student Center Feb. 27 at 7:30 p.m.
“We will be showing the top 16 movies made by NCSU students and giving out great door prizes to the audience,” Daykin said. “We expect this is to be the biggest and best CMF show NCSU has ever seen.”
Prizes will be awarded for Best Drama, Best Comedy and Best Picture at the individual school level.
“The prizes include Final Cut Studio and amazing Apple Products. At the International level, students have the opportunity to win cash grants, more prizes from Apple, internship in the industry, and trips to film festivals,” Daykin said.
According to Daykin, past winners have walked away with over $2 million in prizes and have seen their films on the big screens at CMF events nationwide, the Cannes Film Festival, Paramount Studios and on millions of smaller screens – including AT&T mobile devices, in-flight on Virgin America and online.
“Campus MovieFest is a wonderful opportunity for students,” Daykin said. “For any student who has an idea we can give them all the tools and support to make their movie making dreams come true.”