It started off as a challenge between 15 runners in 2004. Fast-forward seven years later, and it is clear that what started off as a small fundraiser for North Carolina’s Children’s Hospital, has quickly evolved into one of N.C. State’s most popular traditions—the Krispy Kreme Challenge. The race has grown in size every year since its commencement and will welcome 7,500 runners for the seventh annual Krispy Kreme Challenge Saturday morning at 8:30 a.m.
The challenge has become N.C. State’s newest tradition and appeared on Sports Illustrated’s list of ‘102 More Things You Gotta Do Before You Graduate.’ Runners begin at the Bell Tower, run two miles to the Krispy Kreme store on Peace Street, eat 12 original glazed doughnuts, and then run two miles back to the Bell Tower. To successfully complete the race, runners must finish the race in less than one hour without regurgitating.
The 12 original glazed doughnuts contain more than enough nutrients for one day: 2,400 calories, 1,200 grams of fat, 120 grams of sugar and 24 grams of protein.
Grace Butler, a sophomore in first year college, will participate in Saturday’s race for her first time and said her only concern will be finishing all 12 doughnuts without throwing up.
“If I can put down the whole dozen, I will definitely puke,” Butler said. “But I’m a challenger because if I’m going to do this, I’m going to go all out.”
The 7,500 registered runners had an option of participating as either a casual runner, where they do not have to consume all 12 doughnuts, or a challenger, where runners must finish all 12 doughnuts and finish the race in less than an hour to successfully complete the challenge.
The challenge does not consist of only N.C. State students. In fact there will be people on Hillsborough Street from over 30 different states including Californina, Arizona and New Mexico. There are also people traveling from Ontario, Canada to compete in the race.
Kent Margulis, who will be traveling 3,000 miles from Seattle, Wash., with his wife, discovered the Krispy Kreme Challenge using Google.
“I googled ‘running and eating’ and found this race,” Margulis said. “We were totally intrigued by the spectacle of 7,500 people making a mad dash to the local Krispy Kreme to eat a dozen donuts.”
Margulis has never attempted to eat a dozen doughnuts at one time, but he and his wife are running enthusiasts and are looking forward to coming to Raleigh.
Not only will a spectator or a runner see participants throwing up everywhere, but they will also get the chance to see the various entertaining costumes. John Mills, a senior in accounting, said that the people in costumes were his favorite part of the event.
“My most vivid memory was the guys running in thongs,” Mills said. “One guy was even wearing a Borat swimsuit, it was gross.”
Although people will not be able to register for the race on the day of the event, they are welcome to come out and cheer on the many runners who will be taking part in the challenge Saturday at 8:30 a.m.
The Weather Channel is expecting rain Saturday morning with a high of 53 degrees.