University professor and coastal expert Gregory Stone died Thursday morning, according to close friends.
Stone, a Coastal Sciences professor and director of the Coastal Studies Institute, passed away around 9 a.m., according to family friend Rick Gregg.
“Greg and his family were like my family,” Gregg said. “It’s a real loss for all of us.”
Details about Stone’s cause of death were not available by press time.
Stone is survived by his wife, Anne, and his 16-year-old son, Carter.
Stone’s research at the University focused on the effects of waves, tides and other processes on the coast, including coastal erosion. The Coastal Studies Institute earned millions of dollars in grants from a host of government agencies, including NASA, the Department of Defense and the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration.
When the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded in April 2010, Stone was an oft-quoted expert concerning the damage the leaked oil might cause to the coast.
He was among the chorus of experts that warned oil visible on the surface was only part of the problem — oil further down in the water column existed, as well.
Stone continued to be regularly consulted in the spill’s wake concerning the clean up and response efforts.
Contact Matthew Albright at [email protected]
University professor Gregory Stone dies
February 18, 2011