It’s not official until it’s Facebook official.
The social networking site has exploded with information about people’s interests, likes and daily activities.
With people sharing so much information, it almost isn’t necessary to meet someone face to face to know everything you need to know about them.
Curious whether someone will be a good partner for a class project? Look him or her up on Facebook.
Looking for references on whether to hire someone for a job? Check his or her Facebook page.
Even the “get-to-know-you” part of a first date isn’t necessary anymore — just study the person’s Facebook page, and you’ll know all about him or her.
However, there’s nothing worse than taking all that time to Facebook stalk that cute girl/guy from class to see those three dreaded words on their profile — “in a relationship.”
Such an awful sight, indeed.
But you’re persistent. You won’t let something silly like that come between you and your true love.
So, you stalk harder — constantly visiting your true love’s page and hitting Refresh, hoping to see that golden word “single” appear on your news feed.
Yet, when that day finally comes, it’s too late.
Your news feed wasn’t updated for some reason, and the opportunity of a lifetime has come and gone.
But fear not, hopeless romantic. Your answer is finally here with the Breakup Notifier app.
Breakup Notifier started last Sunday and was developed by Dan Loewenherz. The concept is simple: “Have a hot friend who you’re interested in, but they’re in a relationship? Yep, we’ll alert you by e-mail when they’re out of it,” Breakup Notifier explains in its first update on Facebook.
It’s that easy. Never again do you actually have to talk to the person you’re interested in — just let Facebook do all the work for you.
Remember — it’s not official until it’s Facebook official.
The app gained more than 3 million users before it was shut down last Wednesday because of strong negative feedback by Facebook’s automated systems.
However, as of 11 a.m. Monday morning, Breakup Notifier updated its page with “Back online!” and a link to its website,
So it appears the easy stalking may continue once again.
But let’s say you’re someone who wants to take a little more action in getting with that special someone — well, there’s an app for that, too.
WaitingRoom takes Facebook creepiness one step further.
All you have to do is tell WaitingRoom who you have your eye on, and it does all the rest.
The app alerts people who are in a relationship on Facebook (remember, it’s only official if it’s on Facebook) and tells them they have someone in their “Waiting Room.”
“If you’re already in a relationship, WaitingRoom will give you the confidence to become single again — if that’s what you really want,” the app’s site says.
WaitingRoom keeps the person’s identity a secret until the recipient changes their status to “single” for 48 hours.
Theoretically, the 48 hours prevents the recipient from cheating to see who is waiting for them by quickly changing their status.
While both of these apps appear to be fun and silly, they show what’s wrong with the way people interact with each other.
Instead of calling each other to talk, we text or Facebook chat.
Instead of finding courage and actually talking to the person you have a crush on and showing your true feelings, people are hiding behind Facebook apps.
Instead of letting a website do your dirty work, man (or woman) the hell up and go talk the person face to face.
Get to know the real them — not some Facebook facade.
Blog: New Facebook app — Clever or Creepy?
Adam Arinder is a 21-year-old communication studies senior from Baton Rouge. Follow him on Twitter @TDR_aarinder.
Contact Adam Arinder at [email protected]
Press X to Not Die: Facebook apps up the ante on stalking crushes, friends
February 28, 2011