Today is the day, Verizon owners. The much anticipated, highly exasperated, can’t be duplicated “Jesus Phone” is officially released to all those on Big Red.
That’s right. Today, if you can “hear me now,” you get to hold a little piece of heaven.
Hyperboles aside (though they seem to be Apple’s favorite), the iPhone releases today on Verizon.
Though it’s been a long three and a half years to all of us who haven’t switched over to the ever-growing abomination that is AT&T to own Steve Jobs’ precious little toy, today still isn’t the day Verizon customers should buy the iPhone.
What’s that? A self-proclaimed “Apple hater” is telling you not to buy an Apple product? You might be wondering, “How is this news?”
It’s not for the reasons you might think.
Yes, it’s true. I may not be the biggest fan of Jobs or Apple, but I do consider myself a smart shopper and tech savvy enough to look ahead at the bigger picture.
What I’m about to cite is — at this point in time — based entirely on speculation and rumor. However, it’s also logical and could save you money and frustration.
Every summer since 2007, Apple has released a new (and drastically improved) version of the iPhone — this summer will be no different.
Apple always has a way of one-upping itself every year, and there are some big rumors about many improvements for the supposed “iPhone 5.”
The biggest and strongest rumor involves the new iPhone having a built-in multi-core processor.
What this means for the user is a dramatic increase in performance and possibly a longer battery life.
Many competing manufacturers are including multi-core processors in their new phones, and Apple would be foolish not to follow suit.
Along with the processor, the new iPhone supposedly will have an upgraded integrated graphics and video processor improving movie and gaming quality.
Other rumors involve a slight increase in screen size (3.5 inches to 3.7 inches) and a video camera capable of recording in 1080p high definition.
However, the biggest reason to purchase an iPhone— especially for Verizon customers — is the possibility of LTE 4G speeds.
While 4G may not be everywhere (hell, 3G isn’t everywhere on AT&T), it’s the big seller in the cell phone market. When it does roll into Baton Rouge, you don’t want to be stuck with a phone that doesn’t support 4G for another two years.
Verizon customers should definitely be excited for the iPhone — just not yet.
Don’t buy one today and regret that two-year contract when a new “revolutionary” model comes out this summer.
Adam Arinder is a 21-year-old communication studies senior from Baton Rouge. Follow him on Twitter @TDR_Aarinder.
Contact Adam Arinder at [email protected]
Press X to Not Die: Verizon customers should buy iPhones – but not yet
February 9, 2011