A creationist lecturer drew sharp criticism from a few students Saturday while arguing biblical creationism is more logical than evolution.
Sid Galloway presented his “Evidence — Answers Seminar” at the Chapel on the Campus. His two-hour talk was condensed from a six-hour lecture Galloway gives as part of his “Good Shepherd Initiative.”
“The Bible doesn’t teach that faith is a feeling — it is to be rational,” he said. “Don’t believe anything I say today unless you can find evidence for it.”
Galloway’s lecture was built around information from Christian scientists, including the inventors of the MRI, the Gene Gun at Cornell University and the TERRA geophysical supercomputer at Los Alamos Labs.
Galloway argued scientists who challenge evolution in favor of creationism are often ignored.
“There is a very active persecution of those who stand for a biblical worldview, especially in the worlds of science and academia,” he said.
Galloway’s evidence — which takes up more than 200 slides in its full form — challenged what he called “atheistic science.”
First, he argued against the Big Bang theory.
“The theory is that nothing somehow became something, and that something suddenly exploded,” he said.
Galloway argued the theory doesn’t make sense.
“Zero plus zero equals zero,” he said. “Nobody plus nothing equals zero.”
Second, Galloway said DNA couldn’t have evolved spontaneously because it’s too complex.
“[DNA] is the best scientific evidence for God,” he claimed. “This is why so many people who were atheists are coming to say ‘there might be an intelligent designer.'”
Finally, Galloway said mutations — the mechanism he argues “drives” the theory of evolution — don’t lead to evolution, but to devolution.
“Mutations don’t add,” he argued. “Mutations take away.”
Galloway said mutations are slowly eroding humanity’s gene pool, which accounts for the lengthy life-spans of people in the Old Testament.
After arguing a biblical worldview was more logical, Galloway said an atheistic worldview is potentially dangerous.
“It undercuts everything about morality,” he said.
Galloway argued that evolution is often used to fuel racism.
“If you read [Charles Darwin’s] ‘Descent of Man,’ it’s obscenely racist,” he said. “At the core of Hitler’s belief was evolution.”
Galloway, who believes the universe is thousands of years old, not billions, said evolution directly contradicts Christianity, because suffering would have existed in the world long before Adam and Eve bit into forbidden fruit.
“They cannot both be in harmony,” he maintained. “They are incompatible.”
Galloway’s lecture was interrupted several times by one student protesting his material.
“You’re young. You’re passionate. I remember when I was like that,” he said after one interruption. “But please be nice to these other people who are trying to listen.”
“I am being nice,” the student fired back. “I’m pointing out that you’re lying.”
Galloway answered questions from the audience after his lecture, including students who challenged his arguments.
“The Q&A was the most fun, with a number of angry atheistic evolutionists, who became so emotional it was fun maintaining order,” Galloway posted on Facebook. “As I shared during the outbursts, it reminded me of my zoo-keeping days when I had to go out into the wolves’ and hyenas’ enclosure and chase them into the right den with a stick.”
Contact Matthew Albright at [email protected]
Creationist lecturer argues Bible more rational than evolution
February 20, 2011