The Daily Reveille has bombarded you with coverage. Student Government has bombarded you with petitions. Campus administrators have bombarded you with e-mails — all about the budget crisis for higher education in the state.
But if you’re just tuning in to the debate over the fate of the University, there’s no better time than now to get involved.
This semester is when it’s actually going to go down. The future of our University’s finances is starting to take shape as the legislative session moves along and Gov. Bobby Jindal’s budget is finally approved later this spring.
We’ve seen other schools in the LSU System — namely the University of New Orleans — wait for tough decisions like its new chancellor and a possible merger with Southern University-New Orleans to cut costs.
But tonight is all about LSU-Baton Rouge.
The State of the University forum event, hosted tonight by The Daily Reveille, TigerTV, KLSU and the rest of Student Media, is the perfect opportunity for you to ask SG President J Hudson and Vice President Dani Borel about their insight into the conversation on our university’s future.
You can ask them what’s being done inside the University to protect its programs. And you can ask them what they plan to do themselves to advocate for LSU.
Until this spring, most of the talk about our University has been just that — talk. It’s the coming months that will tell if these budget exercises come to fruition. And more importantly, you’ll find out what people at this University are doing to mitigate the damage — and what you can do as well.
E-mail your questions for Hudson to [email protected], tweet them using #stateoflsu, watch the live broadcast on campus channel 75 or come to the forum at 7 p.m. in the Holliday Forum of the Journalism Building.
We guarantee everyone in attendance tonight is there to protect your college experience.