Touria Khannous, foreign language and international studies professor from Morocco, emphasized at a panel discussion Tuesday that recent unrest spreading in the Middle East and North Africa could bring about important change in government.
However, these protests may cause trouble for U.S. influence overseas, said Mark Gasiorowski, political science professor.
The panel, hosted by the International Studies Program, focused on the impact the uprisings in the Middle East may have on other countries — especially the U.S.
“It’s a time for watchful waiting,” Khannous said.
Reem Meshal, religious studies assistant professor, explained that a week ago, many analysts believed the protests in Egypt would be resolved by now. This has not been the case, as protesters’ demands remain unmet and they continue to occupy Tahrir Square in Cairo.
Meshal also attempted to clear up many myths that she said the U.S. and foreign media have portrayed as truth.
The idea that current conflict in Egypt is “simple binary” between Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and the people is completely false, Meshal said. Rather, it is the regime versus the popular movement, she said.
The recent uprisings in Tunisia have not been the main inspiration for protests in Egypt, she said.
Meshal said Egyptian citizens’ desire for democratic rule has been brewing since 2008.
“Tunisia might have been a spark,” Meshal said.
However, none of the panelists denied unrest in countries like Egypt, Tunisia and Yemen could have great influence on other Middle Eastern countries.
Khannous said Morocco may follow the current protest patterns.
“Democracy has failed [in Morocco],” she said.
Khannous said 40 percent of Moroccan citizens’ income is spent on food, yet many are unable to be properly fed because of high unemployment rates among young people.
The median age in Morocco is 26, Khannous said, and Internet is easily accessible to even the poorest citizens.
These facts suggest high probability for pro-democracy protests, Khannous said, and unsatisfied Moroccans could use Facebook and other online resources for organization in ways similar to the methods of many Middle East protesters.
Gasiorowski said political changes that may occur in the Middle East could mean the U.S. will lose much of its influence in the area.
If protesters are successful and democratic government spreads to many of the countries, the U.S. will still have power but not as much as in past years, he said.
Democratic leaders constantly focus on re-election, Gasiorowski said, meaning foreign leaders may care more about public opinion than what the U.S. wants.
Gasiorowski said radical Islamic takeover in many areas would be disastrous for the U.S., but re-established regimes would be in foreign policy makers’ favor.
The panelists agreed the nonviolent nature of the protests has promoted a more positive perspective of Middle Eastern people among many Americans.
Ahmed Abdel-Khalek, civil engineering graduate student and a Cairo native, said the panel did not focus on what was truly happening in Egypt and Tunisia, but the discussion has inspired more people to talk about the Middle East and be more aware.
Abdel-Khalek said he disagrees with the panelists’ opinion that the Egyptian military has remained neutral during protests.
Emily Halk, international studies senior, said the panelists were well chosen, and the discussion was sensitive to the emotions of many Arab students in attendance.
“They acknowledged that it was a diverse and complex issue,” she said.
Rima Massasati, Syrian studio art junior, said she understands the U.S. will do what it has to do to maintain power in the Middle East, but she said people should not be denied democracy.
“There’s no limit to democracy,” she said. “If you’re standing for democracy here, why are you not standing for democracy there?”
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Unrest in Middle East, Africa could affect US influence
February 8, 2011